Saturday 12 March 2016

Don’t Blame The System If Your Voters Are Too Idle…

…or never actually existed in the first place:
An estimated 800,000 people have dropped off the electoral register since the government introduced changes to the system, with students in university towns at highest risk of being disenfranchised, the Guardian has learned.
Labour says it fears that the missing sections of the electorate are predominantly its supporters after the government moved from registration of electors by household to asking individuals to sign up, citing fears of fraud and error.
Maybe Labour would like to wonder how, with their supposed emphasis on ‘Education, education, education!’ they ended up with students too thick to work out that they’d need to register to get a vote?
Gloria De Piero, the shadow minister for electoral registration, said the data revealed an alarming reduction in students on the register, which is likely to raise fears that election results could be swayed by missing blocks of like-minded voters.
Or could be returned to normality once the idiots and people happy to vote themselves free money are removed…
With the national voter registration drive starting today, De Piero has written to John Penrose, a Cabinet Office minister, to call for all universities to offer registration for students when they enrol.
Why? It’s already plastered over every council website, there’s a national campaign of advertising & mailshots. What more do they need?


  1. Exclude the Morons and the fraudulent from the voting system and the number of Labour voters will be reduced considerably in numbers. No wonder they are shouting foul. It must be so frustrating for them.

    Pity benefit recipients cannot be excluded as well but then that would only leave the likes of Richard Branston eligible as they nudge at the government teat in quite a different if more rewarding way.

  2. Twenty Rothmans12 March 2016 at 10:36

    Why doesn't De Piero offer to wipe their bottoms for them as well? It's about the only thing for which I think she is qualified.

    Or perhaps she could admit that Labour voters are more likely to be indolent, expecting somebody else to do things for them. Like the bacteria that sit in my bowels, everything's brought to them with no effort on their part. But what of the luvvie Socialists, like Emma Thompson?

    They are similar, but they're the bugs that give me diarrhoea. They tell me what to do.

    I find it quite astonishing that Labour did not enact compulsory voting when they had the chance. It would have given them an extra 5% in perpetuity.

  3. Many years when I fetched up at university, it was policy for all students in halls to be added to the electoral register by default. However I was also still registered at home - and I wouldn't be surprised if many others were as well. Whilst one case and a supposition are not a useful data series, it is very possible that this policy has simply resulted in the removal of double registrations amongst the student body.

  4. Lynne at Counting Cats12 March 2016 at 12:54

    It's killing off doppelgangers. What a shame.

    Can we see the same for the fraudulent postal voters now?

  5. There are an estimated two zillion alien life-forms living in Norfolk.

  6. "It must be so frustrating for them. "

    Yes. Delicious, isn't it?

    "I find it quite astonishing that Labour did not enact compulsory voting when they had the chance."

    Lucky for us, they are as stupid as they are venal.

    " is very possible that this policy has simply resulted in the removal of double registrations amongst the student body."

    Interesting thought!
