Tuesday 8 March 2016

Great Comeback!

The manager at the Burger King store said: "It doesn't say it's just a vegetarian menu.
"It says veggie and fish."
But….chicken is neither! Even the chicken they serve in Burger King.


  1. Oh no, I'm so confused, the menu says that chicken is vegetarian food. Now I don't know whether the people who designed the menu made a mistake or if a chicken is a vegetable.


  2. Bunny

    He was reading the menu for his vegetarian friend, why was he reading the menu, is the friend illiterate?

  3. "Now I don't know whether the people who designed the menu made a mistake or if a chicken is a vegetable."

    I think the people who design the menus might be... ;)

    "...why was he reading the menu, is the friend illiterate?"

    Not a good advert for the veggie diet, eh? ;)
