Wednesday 2 March 2016

I Guess The British Justice System Counts In Dog Years…

After a trial at the Old Bailey Johnson was found guilty of attempted murder, wounding with intent and possession of a firearm.
On Friday (January 22) he was sentenced to three life sentences, to run concurrently, with a minimum of 14 years behind bars.
Johnson, of Baildon Street, had previously pleaded guilty at the same court in September 2015 to possession of a firearm and possession of ammunition.
He was sentenced to seven years and three years imprisonment to run concurrently.
Detective Inspector Maria Harris, from the Met's trident and area crime command, said it is fortunate no-one was killed that afternoon.
She said: "Johnson has a history of violence and is a very dangerous man.
“On that day in May he fired a gun into a crowded shop without a care for who he may injure.
"Detectives from trident continue to work hard to arrest those individuals who carry guns and threaten violence on the capital's streets.
"Today's sentencing reflects how seriously the courts take this behaviour and should stand as a warning to those who carry out these reckless and dangerous crimes."
I know they have to pretend that this is the case, but good grief, surely a little bit of integrity must get worn away each time they have to spout such claptrap?


  1. One thing the internet and bloggers like you have exposed is how useless, incompetent and wasteful government, politicians, public institutions are. Daily we are treated to the knowledge and spectacle of the chicanery, deceit, decrepitude and corruption of these people and public bodies. Perhaps now we know someday we will do something about it but maybe that is a forlorn hope. It appears too many of us are either too stupid, have a vested interest in perpetuating it or not yet effected or angry enough to do anything about it. MSM try half-heartedly and incompetently to do something about it with few successes and indeed often aiding and abetting it.

  2. Lynne at Counting Cats2 March 2016 at 11:56

    And now the bloody do-gooders will spend the next 14 years jealously guarding the bastard's 'ooman rights. At our expense.

  3. "Today's sentencing reflects how seriously the courts take this behaviour"

    Yes; not seriously enough.

  4. As soon as he is driven through the doors of the taxpayer funded country club, oh, sorry, I mean the gates of the prison, he will have each of his concurrent sentences reduced by half for good behaviour. So that's 7 years incarceration, the last 2 will probably be in an open prison where he will be allowed to mingle with the public in the name of rehabilitation. When will these ultra-liberal, left wing f#cktards realise that each crime deserves a separate punishment. Three life sentences? That's 45 years thank you very much, with eligibility for parole being available halfway through the last term. I suggest that this would concentrate the minds of criminals somewhat. Can someone clone Vlad the Impaler and make him Home Secretary?

  5. Bunny

    The judiciary and politicians seem to be unaware of the public's attitude to these criminals, when hanging was abolished life sentences were made the replacement. The sentence wasn't minimum of 14 years with the opportunity of parole, it was life. The European mob want to challenge the right to impose a whole life tariff under human rights legislation.

    We have seem to have allowed virtue signalling idiots to take charge, we need to have these fools removed asap.

  6. This is the smoke and mirrors that is the Justice system in this country. The headline would be 3 LIFE SENTENCES. The reality is that they run at the same time instead of one after the other, and regardless of the fact he is on licence for life, he will only serve 14 years, unless he is really bad or stupid inside. Ce La Vie, nothing will ever change, even if we leave the EU, because all politicians are the same centrist liberal liars

  7. "One thing the internet and bloggers like you have exposed is how useless, incompetent and wasteful government, politicians, public institutions are."

    Cheers! It's all a bit 'fish in a barrel though...

    "Yes; not seriously enough."

    Spot on!

    "Can someone clone Vlad the Impaler and make him Home Secretary?"

    If only the post was up for public election, as in the States. I might run!

    "The judiciary and politicians seem to be unaware of the public's attitude to these criminals..."

    Not unware. They simply don't care.
