Tuesday 15 March 2016

I Guess We Can Cut The Police Budget Again…

Victims of 'Islamophobic' abuse can now report incidents using a new telephone helpline thanks to funding from…
Saudi Arabia? The local mosques?
Lancashire’s police and crime commissioner.
The dedicated third-party reporting service for victims of anti-Muslim abuse, run by the Lancashire Council of Mosques, aims to raise awareness of the problem and was launched on Friday after helpline bosses accepted a £2,500 grant from Lancashire’s police and crime commissioner,
Clive Grunshaw, and £1,500 from Lancashire Partnership Against Crime.
Well, I suppose it saves them spending it on flowers for Darwin Award candidates and their chavshrines!
Faz Patel, community cohesion campaigner from Blackburn, said he thought the helpline was needed.
He said: “There is a real need for this. I think it is important that people can pick up the phone and report something confidentially."
“It is important that vulnerable people from the Muslim community who have been victims of crime can contact this telephone line.
“Any forms of hate crime should not be tolerated whether it is antisemitism or homophobia.
“At this moment in time Muslims have been made a scapegoat.”
Have they really?

And don’t we already have confidential police reporting? Why, then, do Muslims require something special, since Jews aren’t asking for it?

And more to the point, why is the taxpayer stumping up the money for it..?


  1. When did we start wasting money? When we allowed others to become in charge of us. It started with clan and tribal chiefs through priests, kings and then parliaments. We have been doing it for millennia but then what is the alternative. Oh yes put the people in charge of the people that is what we perhaps might call real democracy. Problem there is that they would be just as wasteful probably worse. We know that because they are in semi charge already(politicians of all hues have to take some notice of them even if they would rather not) and all they ever demand is that government spends even more money especially on them or their favourite useless causes.

    There is no solution to this perennial problem or is there. AI is on the way so perhaps that should be put in charge. Problem is that may find that we are a useless bunch of animals one of natures cock ups and a waste of space and terminate us. Could you blame it.

  2. Now those taxi drivers will be able to get a pre-emptive complaint in when those naughty 12 year olds say that they have been raped by sex gangs. Imagine refusing to have sex with a man who happens to be Muslim. A clear case of Islamophbia if ever there was one.

  3. Plod have proved to be beyond 'cost cutting'. This has been clearly demonstrated to those 'strong' ministers who were supposedly in control of the public purse.

    But let us count our blessings...I consider myself fortunate to live in a country where Tyranny is mitigated by plodsloth. The handicap constraining their undoubted potential to cause total mayhem/misery, also serves as a limit upon the devastation which could be wreaked upon the hardworking through 'good value for money' oppression and financial subjugation.

  4. Bunny

    One simple method would be to make those in charge of the budget accountable, for example if a professional expends his client's money negligently or without permission that professional is personally responsible. Now I know an independent police commissioner is not held to the standards of a professional, but in this case the money can come out of the idiot who authorised the expenditure's pocket.

  5. Hi All, wonderful job Ambush Predator in highlighting this story of Islamic whining and cash grabbing. Here's my comment on this story based on your post.


  6. Oh good! Melvin has either escaped the secure unit or been allowed day release...hooray

  7. Lynne at Counting Cats17 March 2016 at 23:18

    How about a victims of Muslim abuse hotline? These people certainly could do with one.

  8. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”- voltaire

  9. "AI is on the way so perhaps that should be put in charge. "

    Yes. Skynet, perhaps? ;)

    "Now those taxi drivers will be able to get a pre-emptive complaint in when those naughty 12 year olds say that they have been raped by sex gangs."


    "One simple method would be to make those in charge of the budget accountable..."

    YES! THIS!

    "Here's my comment on this story based on your post."

