Thursday 24 March 2016

I have the right in a democratic society to speak my own mind.'

So said Matthew Doyle, who 'sparked outrage on social media' (according to the 'Mail' after he tweeted that he had 'confronted' a Muslim woman about the Brussels attacks.
He wrote on Twitter: 'I confronted a Muslim woman in Croydon yesterday. I asked her to explain Brussels. She said "nothing to do with me". A mealy mouthed reply.'
He was immediately scorned and mocked by the politically correct. You'd think that would be enough. But no:
The Metropolitan Police issued a statement confirming that a man had been arrested.
'A 46-year-old man was this evening arrested at his home in Croydon on suspicion of inciting racial hatred on social media,’ said the Metropolitan Police.
‘He has been taken to a south London police station and enquiries continue.’
What a time to be alive! George Orwell was right. The Met seem to think '1984' is an instruction manual.

This news item terrifies me far more than the efforts of Muslim terrorists. It should terrify all of us. People say that the ISIS terrorists are seeking to destroy western society.

Is it too much to ask that our police 'service' not help them to do it?


  1. The guy is obviously mental. What is it to do with a random woman in Croydon? If someone approached me in the street ranting about something that an old white bloke had done I think I would use my new found powers to report him for harassment too.

  2. PC is doing it's job. It is designed to shut down free speech and control us. Room 101s' must be springing up in police station everywhere. If not they soon will be along with sharia law being used in our court rooms. For the sake of diversity an multiculturalism. One day the natives may become restless because of it and then perhaps the left with get their comeuppance and be rightly punished for what they have created.

  3. "Suspicion of inciting racial hatred" is an incorrect arrest justification and is therefore an unlawful arrest. Any race can be a Muslim (there is a thriving Chinese Muslim community in Xian). I would suggest the officers ordering and implementing the arrest, and the custody officer authorising detention, should have a word or two with their Federation rep, if they haven't been arrested themselves, for advice on facing legal action. Wouldn't have happened in my day - we queried every contentious order!

  4. The Meissen Bison24 March 2016 at 11:01

    Lord T: The guy is obviously mental

    At worst he's slightly eccentric but there's no basis, is there, in suggesting that he was ranting?

    The point is that his arrest is not due to his 'confronting' or, to use your word, harassing the woman. It's for his use of social media when there is no suggestion of incitement or a racial motivation in his tweet.

    The legitimate question is whether the police and stupid, malevolent or both simultaneously.

  5. Sincerity motivated dull-witted plod. Ignorance acting in the mistaken belief of absolute power, is normally free of pretence. File under 'Clueless plod making it up.'

  6. "This news item terrifies me far more than the efforts of Muslim terrorists"

    And me

  7. Thank the heavens that another strutting neo-nazi beast has been taken out of circulation. We can all sleep more soundly in our beds tonight.

  8. He was arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred - the woman was white British. Er...

  9. Oh Melv, give it a rest for goodness sake. You have no idea what goes on in the hallowed halls of Police Academy 12. Yes, mistakes are made. Yes, decisions are made because of political rather than legal reasons. Yet the Policing Service (aka the Police Force) is the only civilian organisation standing between you spouting your puerile uttering and you being crucified in front of a statue of Cilla Black (God forbid). If you want to blame anyone, blame the politicians who supply the pressure and blame the senior Police officers who bend to that pressure but do not blame the thousands of honest, hard working, Police officers who just want to get the scum off the streets.

  10. Unfortunately, dear Penise, I have never heard of the 'Policing Service' but I am sure that someone of demonstrably limited wit, is easily confused by words longer than four letters/one syllable. Yet I readily concede 'their' have been many instances of things you didn't deserve. Such as credibility in the lower courts and an inflated pension.

  11. "The guy is obviously mental."

    The police did report he'd been taken to hospital. Perhaps he laughed himself into a hernia when the CPS pointed out they didn't have the authority to charge him?

    "Room 101s' must be springing up in police station everywhere."

    Maybe not. With later developments, maybe this will turn the tide?

    " I would suggest the officers ordering and implementing the arrest, and the custody officer authorising detention, should have a word or two with their Federation rep, if they haven't been arrested themselves, for advice on facing legal action."

    Ah, Penseivat - if only you were still in the Farce! You could have spared them much embarrassment.

    "If you want to blame anyone, blame the politicians who supply the pressure and blame the senior Police officers who bend to that pressure..."

    Well said.
