Thursday 17 March 2016

Just When You Think You've Reached Rock Bottom...

...Britain's underclass goes that little bit deeper for you:
Parents who stole and sold laptops from a cancer ward where their terminally ill son was being treated have been sent to prison.
Matthew Ingham, 37, and Kim Ager, 34, were told their actions had been “despicable” as they were jailed over the theft of the computer equipment at Leeds General Infirmary.
Even I'm shocked!
Leeds Crown Court heard the pair even tried to blame their sick nine-year-old son, who has an aggressive form of cancer, for the thefts.
Glen Parsons, for Ingham, of Hardwick Street, Keighley, said his client had committed the offences as he had become addicted to class A drugs as he struggled to cope following his son’s diagnosis.
Mr Parsons said: “He has lost his dignity, he has lost his good name. This is a case which has generated widespread publicity. He has been vilified in his own community.”
Yes, those are all consequences. Not reasons why 'he's been punished enough'.
Julian White, for Ager, of Blackthorne Road, Ilkley, said she had now moved out of the family home and was in a relationship with another man.
Mr White said Ager had never been in trouble before. He added: “This lady is never ever likely to trouble these courts again.”
Hmmm, really?
Jailing the pair, judge Sally Cahill, QC, said: It is difficult to find a word that describes just how despicable this offending was.”
It isn't difficult at all. But this is a family blog..

H/T: Woman on a Raft in comments


  1. Praise be; beak who does the job instead of commiserating with the offender!

  2. Excellent material for fast-tracking through West Yorks plod. Dull intellects, sloppy execution with form and the additional kudos of 'inside experience'; are reliable indicators of rapid acceptance/promotion.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats17 March 2016 at 22:51

    I suppose it was grief that made him lay the blame on his terminally ill child. What a weapons grade POS.

  4. "Praise be; beak who does the job instead of commiserating with the offender!"

    There are some things left that even they won't put up with, clearly!

    "What a weapons grade POS."

    Yup! I was expecting drugs to be involved, somewhere. I thought only an addict could be this despicable.
