Sunday 20 March 2016

Oh, For...!

This is a major ad campaign in a national newspaper. I know I'm a pedant, but 'fewer' would have scanned just as well, and been accurate to boot!


  1. You know what? I'm so sick of the word 'fewer'. I think that bit of the human language has changed now. It's time to embrace 'less' and stop worrying about 'fewer'.


  2. Irritation could have been avoided if the manufacturers had been honest about their product in the first place

    "More pounds on your cat" would have been more truthful

    Felix is heaving with sweeteners, including caramel.

    I can't say I've ever seen my cats come home carrying packets of Werthers Original in their little jaws

  3. "It's time to embrace 'less' and stop worrying about 'fewer'."

    *gasps* Never!

    ""More pounds on your cat" would have been more truthful"

    I thought cats were supposed to be unable to taste sweet things?
