Sunday 27 March 2016

Sunday Funnies...

I knew there was a reason I avoided it like the plague...


  1. I can relate to much said on the site as I'm a runner myself. I'm a reluctant runner because I hate it. It is discipline and not a pleasure. I do it because it stops me from getting fat. I enjoy my food and beer way too much. Wat ya gonna do but run. I used to put vaseline on my nipples to stop them bleeding,but at the end of the day I enjoyed the chaffing way too much. Hey, nipples are erogenous zones, even in men.

    And yes, breasts are amazing.

  2. As a mediocre triathlete I can't say that I recognise many of the hazards listed. I've never $h1t myself but I did once get caught short about halfway around my local 8.5K route. I dashed home, in the front door and straight up the stairs and into the bog. I also set a new PB for that course. If that brain amoeba thing only likes warm water I think that I will be pretty safe in the disused quarry that my local tri club uses.


  3. "It is discipline and not a pleasure."

    I thought it was supposed to induce endorphins..?

    "I also set a new PB for that course."

