Thursday 10 March 2016

Well, It's Not Like These Things Are Predictable, Is It?

The meeting was called after islanders raised concerns that sand levels from Concord Beach to Thorney Bay may have dropped by as much as two metres.
The underside of the island’s seawall, broken slabs and rocks are now clearly visible as a result of shifted sand.
However, yesterday morning’s meeting with the officials hit a stumbling block, as the group was unable to see all of the beach...
Oh? Why?
...on account of the tide being in.
*stunned face*


  1. The fact they don't know the basics about what they are charged with looking after shows that like every other agency they only really function when it comes to fining people for things and making up stupid restrictions.

  2. Perhaps the confusion over tidal times is as a result of inbreeding amongst the Canvey Islanders, though I didn't see any jug ears or sloping foreheads in the photograph.

  3. Isn't Canvey Island the place that Essex people tell Essex Girl jokes about?

    Seems like they may have a point.

  4. It's rising sea levels innitt.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats12 March 2016 at 13:01


  6. " every other agency they only really function when it comes to fining people for things and making up stupid restrictions."


    "Isn't Canvey Island the place that Essex people tell Essex Girl jokes about?"

    Heh! :)


    Indeed! Reminiscent of some of MacHeath's posts...
