Friday 11 March 2016

When, Exactly, Are You Going To Start ‘Contributing To The Country’, Then?

A student facing deportation he says would amount to a "death sentence" has spoken of his gratitude to supporters of his campaign to stay in the UK.
Around 150 people have donated towards a legal fund to challenge the Home Office's decision to deport seriously unwell Luqman Onikosi.
The 36-year-old first came to the U.K. from his native Nigeria in 2007 to study at the University of Sussex and developed chronic liver disease brought on by Hepatitis B. His two brothers have both died of complications from the same condition in Nigeria and he says sending him back to the country would be barbaric because it does not have the necessary medical treatment available for his condition.
He’s still a student after 8 years?!? There’s 150 idiots that won’t see any return on their ‘investment’, then.
… Mr Onikisi is also being supported by his member of parliament, Caroline Lucas.
OK, 151 idiots.

What’s so special about this chap that we need his skills in the UK?
As a student he campaigned on issues including racism and economic rights, and says he hopes to continue contributing to the country were he allowed to stay.
Ah. Right. It’s clear we have a shortage of entitled idiots that think the world owes them a living, so we need to import a few more…
The Home Office said Mr Onikosi's application had been fully considered and "an independent immigration judge found he has no right to remain in the UK."
Heathrow’s that-a-way. Bye!


  1. A Nigerian Student can be described as such for years. Normally studying accountancy. no doubt his brother/uncle/father is a high Court Judge in Lagos. His tale will be a load of bollocks. Nigerian's lie, it really is cultural. Lot's law enforcement know this, hours, days, months & years are wasted dealing with them. Much of the fraud in the UK was once almost the sole responsibility of Nigerians & other W. Africans. I wouldn't trust this one as far as he could be thrown.

  2. Now that Nigeria has promised to stop paying for the 240,000 jobs which don't exist (and which were indirectly paid for from our overseas aid), there will now be a few bob that can be put aside for this unfortunate young man so he can continue his fight against racism IN HIS OWN COUNTRY!

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats12 March 2016 at 12:58

    So long. Farewell. I bid you not to let the door hit your arse on the way out.

  4. "A Nigerian Student can be described as such for years."

    Wouldn't someone expect them to graduate at some point in time? Perhaps before a pension is drawn!

    "...there will now be a few bob that can be put aside for this unfortunate young man so he can continue his fight against racism IN HIS OWN COUNTRY!"

    There must be a lot more of it there than here... ;)
