Sunday 6 March 2016

Who Are You Gonna Believe, The 'Daily Mail'..?

...or your lion eyes?


  1. Surely they must be doing this on purpose to attract loads of comments. They can't be employing people who don't know the difference between a lion and a leopard. Can they?


  2. I have spotted a contender for post title of the month. Would you please take a look at fred on everything, his latest is quite beautiful.

  3. Nice Mr Pierrepoint6 March 2016 at 22:29

    OT but are recent events in Colchester outbreaks of vibrancy or purely local in origin?

  4. Won't someone think of the children???
    Somewhere this photo will end up in a kid's school project on lions and how their environment is being encroached upon by humans. I despair.

  5. Lion eyes are fine, except after excess drinking the night before.

  6. Lynne at Counting Cats7 March 2016 at 10:11

    It's the greater spotted Panthera leo ridicule stultum a sub-species of the more well known lion. It's more common name is "It's not a lion, stupid, it's a bloody leopard.

  7. "Surely they must be doing this on purpose to attract loads of comments. "

    I rather doubt it. I think it's more a case of graphics chap and column writer never reading each other's work. And, of course, no proof-reading any more.

    "They're all cheaters."


    "Would you please take a look at fred on everything, his latest is quite beautiful."


    "OT but are recent events in Colchester outbreaks of vibrancy or purely local in origin?"

    Ah, think I've got that in a post coming up this week. No names released yet, but I think it's more of what Southend experiences every weekend - the influx of vibrant and diverse types from London.

  8. "Somewhere this photo will end up in a kid's school project on lions..."


    "Lion eyes are fine, except after excess drinking the night before."


    "It's the greater spotted Panthera leo ridicule stultum..."

