Monday 25 April 2016

Child Exploitation Bad!

…except when done in the interests of ‘social justice’ by teachers, of course:
A ten-year-old girl from West Wickham has launched a campaign against the use of cobalt mined by children in smartphone batteries.
And just how did she discover this issue?
Cerys Nicholls-Jones, who goes to Wickham Court School, was shocked to learn that companies including Apple are failing to do basic checks to ensure that the cobalt they use isn’t mined by child labourers.
Cerys couldn’t forget the topic after her teacher Samira Al-jboury, 26, taught a lesson based on an Amnesty International report into child labour.
All the pupils in the class wrote a letter to the CEO of Apple after the lesson, but Cerys was so bothered by the thought of this injustice that she had to do something else.
So ‘education’ these days consists of learning how to be a good little SJW and harass people with unsolicited mail?

Someone needs to have a word with the governors.
The Year 5 pupil said: “I feel devastated when I realise that for me to charge my iPod, children are risking their lives by working in mines.
“While I listen to music and play Minecraft, other children are not enjoying their childhood and are working as hard as adults in very dangerous conditions.”
Well, given their other options are usually starving, slaving in fields or being pimped out in the sex work industry, they might be glad of mine work.

Maybe you should ask your teacher why people who can’t support children keep having them instead? Or is it easier – and more in keeping with ‘social justice’ bullshit - to blame a big corporation?
Ms Al-jboury, who has been teaching at the school for a year, said she was surprised at how much the children continued to talk about her lesson outside the class. She says: “Even if we do not get a response from Apple, it is good for the children to understand the connection between things.
“It would be great to get as many people involved as possible. “I hope someone in this corporation feels something and listens and there is a change.”
Yes, me too. I rather hope there’s some changes at this school. Do they really need a teacher who fills the kids’ heads with this lefty crap?


  1. So SJWs and progressives are teaching our children that they must be against other children improving their lot by getting out of grinding poverty by working for a wage. If they want to help these kids they should be buying what they produce not boycotting them. The senseless thinking of the left knows no bounds. Child labour maybe morally repugnant to us but then we are well off so we can afford to be self-righteous these kids are not so for them it is at least an opportunity to take the first step towards a better and more prosperous life.

  2. The best thing to come out of all their angst, is that the the little darlings may be able to spend some more time communicating as human beings, not gawping at mindless twaddle on little screens all day.

  3. Going by the teacher's name, I assume she is a member of a misogynistic religious faction which turns young girls into sex slaves or kills them if they refuse, complains about homosexuality but seems to enjoy buggering young boys, and has no problems with blowing up children in their quest to have their religion of peace ruling the world. In her apparent quest to brainwash, sorry, teach her pupils about the cruel aspects of modern life, perhaps she should address these topics? Won't bold my breath.

  4. My hopes stand dashed that your retirement would produce a little repentance for decades of plod hypocrisy, Penise. Meagre as it may be, nobody should be ungrateful for the entertainment value in a veteran hypocrite castigating a novice.

  5. It is because of the overt Lefty and pro-Islam bias possessed by too many of Britain's teachers that I've vowed to be the biggest pain in the arse 'active parent' to whichever 'teacher' is in loco parentis with my child. They are not going to be taken on mosque trips or told lies about Islam being a religion of peace, they are also not going to be given an alternative secular leftist morality by teachers to replace the moral upbringing that my wife and I are giving them.

    Unless British parents learn to be a bit more rude and pushy with teachers, who after all are our employees, these teachers will be able to push all sorts of counterfactual guff on our children. They should not be allowed to to that without some serious challenge from parents. For too long teachers have managed to get away with treating the customers worse than Post Office Telephones did in the 1970's, it's time that this changed.

  6. Melv,
    I see the medication is wearing off. You forgot to mention the 20 odd years I spent in the service of the Crown travelling to distant countries, meeting exotic, foreign, people and killing them! I have yet to read of any sensible opinions you may have locked away in that dementia ridden brain of yours. However, the topic of this discussion is the political and religious brainwashing of our future generations. Unless you have anything to add, apart from insulting your betters, you may wish to go and play with the traffic lights. Look at the, amber, red, red and amber....Aren't they beautiful?

  7. Why write to Apple? One can phone them on one's, um, Android phone which of course do not in any way use child labour.

  8. Bunny

    Reading Taleb's Antifragility I think he has a point, that there will be a breaking point which goes against the ROP and the politically correct. Things are going to get quite interesting in the next few years.

  9. Why don’t the kids ask ‘Ms’ Samira Al-jboury about civil rights and freedom to worship in whatever sand-blown hell it is she hails from?

  10. " If they want to help these kids they should be buying what they produce not boycotting them."

    I expect most of the kids will. There aren't a lot of SJWs, when it comes to peer pressure and branding.. ;)

    "..perhaps she should address these topics?"

    Too busy with the mote in everyone else's eye...

    "It is because of the overt Lefty and pro-Islam bias possessed by too many of Britain's teachers that I've vowed to be the biggest pain in the arse 'active parent' to whichever 'teacher' is in loco parentis with my child. "

    If only all parents did the same. Too many of them pay no attention to this whatsoever. School is, for them, a baby-minding service.

    "Why write to Apple? One can phone them on one's, um, Android phone which of course do not in any way use child labour."

    This is how it starts. First Apple, then they roll up the others.

    "Things are going to get quite interesting in the next few years."

    In the old Chinese curse terms..?

  11. "Why don’t the kids ask ‘Ms’ Samira Al-jboury about civil rights and freedom to worship in whatever sand-blown hell it is she hails from?"

    Probably get expelled for 'racism' if they did...
