Sunday 3 April 2016

I Think You'll Find They Are Spotted Everywhere...

...and not just in Malvern.


  1. Leopards are spotted never seen a spotted panther. Oh! you mean spotted as in seen. Spotted them in zoos never anywhere else probably because they are difficult to spot in the wild especially the UK wild. I once spotted a cat from afar from that distance it looked like a monkey as it sprang from the roadside into a hedge. Astounded I carried on but had the wit to doubt the interpretation I had made on what I has seen. When I drew level with the hedge the animal had jumped into I was glad to see that it was a cat and not a monkey. As even in darkest France one is unlikely to come across monkeys. So maybe what was spotted was certainly not a panther but a very large monkey, I mean cat.

  2. I think that you will find that even black panthers have spots, Basically even blacker on black.


  3. Yes, Stonyground is correct. 'Panthers' are actually melanistic leopards* and so retain their spots.

    * Except in parts of the US where it refers to a cougar.
