Tuesday 12 April 2016

Oh, If Only Changing This Was Within Your Power…

A Sidcup woman fears for her children’s safety after her son found a bag of cannabis on their balcony.
Rebecca Fry, 26, of Highview Road, was stunned when her four-year-old son George walked in with the Class B drug on Sunday (March 20) - and wants to move out of her ‘scary’ flat as soon as possible. She thinks the drugs were accidentally dropped from an above flat and has reported the issue to police and her housing association Riverside.
Ms Fry is not letting George and 13-month-old Lilly play in the communal garden because she is too frightened that they might pick up more inappropriate items.
Oh, how awful!
Ms Fry moved into her flat in December 2013 and has also had problems with neighbours who have allegedly kept her son up at night with their “screaming and shouting”. She claims to have once found drugs in the lift of her block of flats but failed to report it as she did not want to get involved.
The stay-at-home mum never smokes and only drinks alcohol when she is not around her children.
And…what does that have to do with the price of fish?
Now, she is urging Riverside to move her family to a safer community.
Ms Fry said: “I want Riverside to move me to keep my children safe.
“Somewhere where I’m not worried and surrounded by drugs and have normal people around me.
“Either the druggies are moved or I am – it has to happen.
“My family just want a normal place to live – that’s all we’re asking for because every day is a battle.”
Well, love, you could always have waited to have children when you were financially secure. If you’re going to demand that the taxpayer house you, you’ll go where it’s cheapest to put you.

Want a nice house, in a nice area? Then work for it.


  1. "...Want a nice house, in a nice area? Then work for it..."

    That's a valid point, but it would be better all round if TPTB were to come down like a ton of bricks on the ungodly who prevent areas from being "nice" - irrespective of race, religion, ethnic origin or perceived victimhood. That way, areas which are not nice can be made an absolute minimum, if the lowlife scum are moved elsewhere.

    Gruinard springs to mind...

  2. Hostels for single unemployed mothers and tents in damp fields for the other scum, should free up a lot of housing.

  3. You are knocking a breeder - Englands future.
    Anyway who else can afford or will have children - you ?

  4. "... it would be better all round if TPTB were to come down like a ton of bricks on the ungodly who prevent areas from being "nice"..."

    They used to. But then they decided that they, too, were 'victims'. And now it's 'softly, softly', and chaos is the result.

    "You are knocking a breeder - Englands future. "

    No, you need to look at this like breeding any livestock - if the offspring are weak or vicious, they are no use.
