Thursday 21 April 2016

People Don't, Holly.

Holly told the BBC: ‘You don’t expect to go out and have people treat you like you have no right to exist in public spaces.’
But certain shopkeepers do. And it's always the usual suspects...
When Holly Scott-Gardner, who has been blind since birth, went to PGR in Coventry for her 22nd birthday on Monday, a staff member told her that her dog wasn’t allowed in.
The restaurant’s owner Majed Bahgozen was then called over, and he told her to leave the dog outside, sit outside, or go elsewhere.
They continued to refuse service, despite Holly repeatedly telling them it was against the law to turn her and her dog away.
What are the usual excuses they are proffering?
Initially, Ameena Slaviskus from PGR, who was not there at the time, told the BBC they ‘didn’t know she was blind because she didn’t have a card on her neck’.

But owner Bahgozen later said it was because they weren’t aware of the law regarding guide dogs in the UK.
You're running a business in the UK. So isn't it time that the council visited to find out what other regulations you're unaware of?

H/T: wiggia via email


  1. Better check he's unIslamically using loo paper before prepping food, check his left hand for traces of E coli if he's observant.

  2. I trust that from now on, Ameena Slaviskus will be wearing a placard reading, "I am an ignorant bigot who thinks the laws of the land don't apply to me." If not, he should be.

  3. Just don't go to such places. Spend your money elsewhere.

  4. Maybe closing down each place that does this (including cab companies)would be the best way of getting the message across.

  5. Time to phone the tax man and the public health people too just in case PGR have forgotton to read the manuals on those subjects as well...

  6. Bunny

    Simple way of dealing with people like this, treat them with the contempt that they treat us. Don't do business with them. It is a Darwinian type of publicity be a tosser to someone who is disabled, the news spreads and people don't use your business. Business stops trading.

  7. "Better check he's unIslamically using loo paper before prepping food..."

    *shudders* That story in the week made me feel quite ill.

    " If not, he should be."

    If I had my way, he'd not be around to wear anything in this country...

    "Maybe closing down each place that does this (including cab companies)would be the best way of getting the message across."

    Indeed! Our way, or the highway.

    "Time to phone the tax man and the public health people too just in case PGR have forgotton to read the manuals on those subjects as well..."

    If I worked there, I'd be searching for stories like these to aid in targeting businesses for scrutiny. It ought to be like a red flag.
