Friday 8 April 2016


As the junior doctor's strike got under way yesterday, one revealed the awful conditions these brave souls are struggling with in a heartless Tory world...

Monsters, they are. Monsters, I tell you....


  1. Er... this is perfectly normal in many workplaces. Time to join the real world, eh? Besides, why should I pay for their cups of tea?

  2. If there ever was a pampered lot NHS doctors are they. They spend years studying for a degree in medicine receive a certificate to say they can practice it. So entitled to that pampering one could say except from my observations many of them do not live up to what it says on that piece of paper. Their certificate says one thing but their competence does not live up to it. Their sacrifice in studying for all those years (although some would say it is not much of a sacrifice as there are perks attached including a future of being highly paid) perhaps should confer on them certain privileges. However I do not believe that extends to them putting their self interests above those of their patients.

  3. Too many precious flowers graduating. Too much job protection. Too much tax payer support for training them. Abolish the NHS. Increase the number of places at Med School and make them all sign a binding agreement to work for ten years in the country while acquiring some wisdom to attach to their theory, withdrawal from which by donating a kidney, a liver lobe and a whole heap of blood. We actually own them, they need to be reminded...

  4. Don't you realise that you and other humanity are so much grit in the system.
    The NHS would run more efficiently if they could just interact with only other NHS staff.
    They are elite because they are. You must know here is no shortage of customers. They come and go. But the NHS goes on forever.

  5. He should get a job in the private sector. Our company still provides milk (but not for using on your cereal) and even coffee and tea bags. It's grand.

    Wages are a bit shit though.

  6. My recent experiences of the abilities of younger doctors - GPs and in hospitals - suggest they could be replaced by speak-your-weight machines with no loss of diagnostic accuracy.

    The real work is done by the Path. Labs: the "docs" just tick boxes for blood, etc. tests.

    The test results used to need interpretation by the doctor, but now the diagnoses of the tests are also done by the Lab.

  7. One would hope that Dr Shackleton is more accurate in his professional life than he is when whinging on social media. "Can't even have a cup of tea at work due to cuts". When the truth is no-one is stopping him from having a cup of tea at work.

  8. "Er... this is perfectly normal in many workplaces."

    Quite! And no doubt Dr Shackleton believes that 'the rich elite are out of touch with ordinary people' too...

    "Too many precious flowers graduating. Too much job protection."

    And not just an issue in the NHS..

    "He should get a job in the private sector. "

    I did once visit a contractor who kept a fridge stocked with cold drinks and choccy bars for the staff. Heaven!

    "...suggest they could be replaced by speak-your-weight machines with no loss of diagnostic accuracy."

    Would improve their bedside manner too!

    "When the truth is no-one is stopping him from having a cup of tea at work."

    He quickly protected his Tweets before anyone could trawl back through them and discover other pearls of wisdom..

  9. I bet it's not the cost that made them stop providing "free" milk.

    I bet it was some convoluted 'Elf n'Safety nonsense; someone somewhere is afraid they'll be sued if the milk goes "off" in the fridge, or something like that.
