Monday 16 May 2016

I Wonder Why It Was Rejected..?

The second day of Mr Eastick's trial heard a number of what were described in court as "doggy character references" in relation to the Alsatian, which all said he was well-behaved around people.
Two of the references came from BBC journalists who had spent a number of days filming with Mr Eastick for a documentary they were making, and said the dog "never gave any cause for concern" while another was from the boss of LGBT support organisation Unity Wales who said Mr Eastick did voluntary work for the group and would take his dog along to sessions for older members to stroke and pet.
Impeccable, unbiased witnesses, I'm sure you'd agree?
The Alsatian in question was an animal that had been offered to South Wales Police as a police dog but had been rejected — it had been sent to a home from where it was subsequently given to Mr Eastick. The defendant was described in court as being an experienced dog owner with a successful history of looking after "challenging" animals.
Challenging in what way?
The court heard that the victim of the bite spent two days in hospital and underwent plastic surgery on the wound — on her release she needed crutches to walk for the subsequent week, and had been left with a permanent "lumpy" scar on her leg.
Oh. I see now.
...68-year-old Mr Eastick, who helps to train South Wales Police officers in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues, said the victim's friend's dogs had been barking at his Alsatian — he had been trying to shield his dog from the joggers and the other dogs, and it only bit the woman when she went up behind Mr Eastick and touched his shoulder.
Let's hope none of those people attending the voluntary work sessions look at Mr Eastick askance, then. Or tap him on the shoulder to ask if he wants a cup of tea...
Mr Eastick, of Panteg, Ystalyfera, was found not guilty following a two day trial.
Well, the jury has spoken. I wonder if we'll see Mr Eastick in the dock again soon?

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