Wednesday 11 May 2016

New Policing Methods…

…turn up long after the call, get your useful idiots to lay the blame on ‘Toree cutz’:
Chief Insp Simon Anslow, district commander for Southend, said the fight had ended by the time police had arrived.
He added: “We were called to reports of a big fight outside Genting Casino.
“The report that there was about 10 women fighting and some men were getting involved too.
“However, it all filtered out by the time police got there.”
I bet you’d have put the blue lights on if it had been someone harassing a protected identity group, though…
Mr Callaghan said: “By the time the police turned up, there were only two young ladies left and everyone else had gone.
“I don’t think it’s the police’s fault that they couldn’t get down in time.
“They just haven’t got enough resources because of all the cutbacks.
“Only two officers turned up.”
Funny. They seem to have plenty to turn up when they want to stop people enjoying themselves.


  1. I am sure you know the old joke about police call out times, but for those who don't here it is:

    A home owner calls the cops and tells them: "Come quick. There's someone breaking into my garden shed."

    "Sorry," respond the police officer, "We're busy. We will send someone round as soon as we can."

    Half an hour later, the man rings again and asks: "Where are you? The guy is still in my garden shed."

    The officer replying on the phone is somewhat irritated. "Sir, we said we would be there as soon as we can and we will. We're very busy!"

    Fifteen minutes later the man calls once more and says: "No problem now. The man's dead."

    "What?" Gasps the astonished officer. "How come?"

    "It's okay, I killed the robber. You don't need to hurry."

    Within two minutes there are cop cars rushing up, lights and siren blaring, helicopter hovering overhead, armed cops in flak jackets with spotlights on the garden. A cop bangs on the front door, demanding to know where the body is.

    The house owner opens the door and says: "I thought you said you were busy."

  2. Stengle, I like that story too. Try telling it to Bill, they really do think that it doesn't apply to them!

  3. "I am sure you know the old joke about police call out times..."

    Heh! Indeed...

    "Try telling it to Bill, they really do think that it doesn't apply to them!"

    These days, of course, they come out quicker if you say someone used a racist word!
