Tuesday 3 May 2016

People Who Despise Fox Hunting Should Reconsider...

The hunt has since apologised to Miss Brown and, as a gesture of goodwill, bought her three replacement sheep.
But no such apology has come from the RSPCA and there has been no offer to return her cats.
They couldn't possibly have known the RSPCA were playing fast and loose with their power. They had no need to do this.

They did it because they are fundamentally decent people. The opposite of those who work for the RSPCA, it would seem.


  1. I rather fancy the hunt should roll the involved inspectors in fox scat, then give them a ten minute start before allowing the hounds a good run.

  2. Fox hunting really is despicable, JuliaM. Do not torment yourself with a hope that it is otherwise.

  3. Is she an animal lover or an animal hoarder? There is a big difference. I know the BTL comments in the mail are usually full of moon howlers but there are some comments from people who say they are neighbours and who are less than pleased with the state of her property and the resulting rat infestation. BTW I don't have much time for the RSPCA or the hunt either. My grandfather was a poultry farmer and dealing with foxes didn't involve the local hunt but involved more direct methods.

  4. I'm a bit suspicious of the sister in all this - without her signature the RSPCA would be in deep water, having just effectively stolen a persons cats and killed their sheep on no grounds whatsoever. Why did she agree to their actions? The article rather skates over her involvement. I think there's a bit of family history we aren't getting here.

  5. MTG: the wanton massacre of chickens is despicable. The countryside would be a better place if they stuck to the suburbs living off cats and the odd pooey nappy off sleeping babes.

  6. This whole episode doesn't sound legal to me.

    Not that the RSPCA care about what is right.

  7. There have been, over the last few years, several cases showing an apparently harsh misuse and over-reaching abuse of powers by the RSPCA. As all of these cases have shown the odd jigsaw piece rather than the whole story, I am left with the uneasy feeling that someone - or something - is pursuing some hidden agenda here.

    Of course it is also entirely possible that my 66 years cumulative experience of life have left me with such a jaded cynicism that I accept virtually nothing at face value.

    Or perhaps it is true that cynicism is realism.

    Who knows?

  8. "... then give them a ten minute start before allowing the hounds a good run."

    Sadly, most foxhounds are people-friendly. Could we make it Karelian bear dogs instead?

    "Is she an animal lover or an animal hoarder? "

    I suspect possibly the latter. Does it matter? Don't they have rights too?

    " I think there's a bit of family history we aren't getting here."

    Always a possibility. Maybe one the RSPCA should have considered before action?

    "... I am left with the uneasy feeling that someone - or something - is pursuing some hidden agenda here."

    No doubt.
