Friday 6 May 2016

Yeeeaaah, That Might've Worked...

...if you could have held it together, that is:
When Simpson was arrested on 19 January she denied being aggressive and told police: ‘I was with a friend who was being mouthy.’
Worth a try, right?
Simpson kissed her teeth and began ranting in the dock as her baby cried, shouting: ‘This is bulls**t bruv, f**k’s sake bruv.’
She added: ‘How can there be a trial for something there’s no evidence of?’


  1. The education must be so proud of producing her.....

  2. When did they repeal the death penalty for being a thick twat? I'd vote for its reinstatement. Can we organise a petition?

  3. Nice Mr Pierrepoint6 May 2016 at 23:28

    A glimpse of how blacks and Asians often dislike each other. But this falls outside the standard Wicked White Man of the West narrative so hand-flapping types have a mental block on it.

  4. "When did they repeal the death penalty for being a thick twat?"

    Darwin's still doing his utmost...

    "A glimpse of how blacks and Asians often dislike each other."

    Spot on!
