Saturday 25 June 2016

Final Brexit Post...

...I've seen lots of elections and referenda come and go, but I can't remember one where the media canvassed the voters for buyer's remorse afterwards so hard. Can you?
...many voters have since spoken out saying they are shocked at the poll's outcome and did not believe their Leave votes would actually count.
Another voter, Mandy, said: “I was very disappointed about the result, even though I voted to leave, this morning I woke up and the reality did actually hit me. “But if I had the opportunity to vote again, it would be to stay.”
Other voters have also posted on Twitter that they regretted their decision to vote in favour of leaving the EU. One said: “I personally voted leave believing these lies and I regret it more than anything, I feel genuinely robbed of my vote.”
Another posted: “Urm I think I kinda regret my vote, I had no real reason to pick what I did!!
Sadly, 5News have since deleted the video interview that was doing the rounds yesterday afternoon, showing one of our youth 'explaining' her remorse on finding out that voting has consequences, unlike so much of the rest of her life up until now. Pity.

Never mind. Every cloud has a silver lining:

 Hard to believe the 'Indy' went bust, isn't it?

Update: The 'Mail' has that video


  1. It's kind of understandable. My reaction on getting up at about 5:15 on Friday AM was "F**k ! We won!" pretty much :) So I'm partly excited and partly scared.

    These people are probably lying. You see this all the time, I don't know if ever you've come across creationists but they are *always* saying (almost literally !) "I didn't believe in Creationism but I read XXXXX and am now totally convinced" and it's never true.

  2. Does the Brexit vote mean the UK won't enter the Eurovision song contest? Every cloud has a silver lining...

  3. I was a polling clerk on Thursday. The amount of punters that came in asking for a pen was funny to start with, but by teatime one of us snapped. Not a nasty "don't be so chuffing stupid" way but just started asking them why they never asked for pens when they voted last month? Most of them said they had never actually voted before and these were middle aged people. Still, I guess the Remainers are now claiming MI5 or whoever was supposed be tampering with the votes were Brexiteers.

    The pen business aside, I can't decide if the worst question I was asked was "does remain mean stay?" (by two different young voters) or "what am I voting for?" by a middle-age'd ex-migrant. Christ on a bike - no wonder 2/3rds of Londoners voted remain - they were thick, rich and/or ex-foreigners.

  4. "Media first, agree. "

    Yup. Oh, it might have happened on a local newspaper scale after 2015, but if it did, I certainly didn't notice. There was no avoiding this!

    "These people are probably lying. You see this all the time..."

    Vox pop interviews with the man on the street do leave open the risk they'll tell you what they think you want to hear...

    "Every cloud has a silver lining..."

    Heh! On the radio, someone asked if Friday's 'Euromillions' would be cancelled in the UK won it..! :D

    "...just started asking them why they never asked for pens when they voted last month? Most of them said they had never actually voted before and these were middle aged people."

    Yes, the turnout was indeed very heartening. People gained a sense that this vote mattered, in a way all the others haven't.

  5. If someone asked if Remain means stay I presume that they wanted to vote stay, as the Leavers ignored that box. In which case, it was the remainders who were thick.

  6. Unfortunately many of the comments from supporters of both sides, both pre and post vote, do make you wonder, just for a moment, if universal suffrage is really such a good idea...

  7. What really tickles me is that the Remainiacs, particularly the ones of a lefty persuasion, are appalled that Brexit has failed to keep a single promise less than three days after the referendum.

    The words stupid and idiots apply.

    The Liberal Elite are now the Miserable Elite.


    They didn't see this coming and now they're shocked. It's the ill educated, working class oiks wot did for them or so they would have you believe. Well this so called oik IS educated, IS middle class and IS capable of critical thought. And I HATE the Liberal Elite for daring to think they know what is good for me and trying to take away my choices. Well I and 17 million others disagree and now the Liberal Elitists don't like it.


    In my part of the world we opted almost 2/1 to leave. Not the largest percentage but very respectable.

    For those demanding the Referendum should be overturned or re-run I have this to say - fuck off. And when you reach your destination fuck off again. Then keep on fucking off until you are out of our lives completely. We've had enough of your hubristic, authoritarian nonsense.

  8. "...make you wonder, just for a moment, if universal suffrage is really such a good idea..."

    Sadly, they really do!

    "The Liberal Elite are now the Miserable Elite."

    They always were, really.
