Monday 27 June 2016

It Seems Whenever You Do Something To Assist The Disabled.. run the risk of creating more of them!
A total of 307 incidents were recorded last year, three times the number before the £1.5 billion walk-through fleet was introduced on the Metropolitan, Circle, Hammersmith & City and District lines.
The problem is worst at Baker Street, where 52 people — one a week — fell last year. Blue warning lights have been introduced to alert passengers to the bigger gap between train and platform.
Transport for London today admitted problems were exacerbated by making the new S-stock trains level with the platform to improve wheelchair access.

The RMT and ASLEF of course see this as a reason to immediately push for more staff. But, I dunno...
TfL was unable to provide details of injuries sustained by passengers but said the falls were caused by “distraction from use of smartphones, rushing [and] intoxication”.
Sounds more like we should let Darwinism run its course to me.


  1. Good intentions have an awful propensity to go very wrong. That is the lefts, progressives, SJWs. Greens and the like one of their mind think problems. They do not weigh up the consequences of those things they wish for and think would be so good for us and make a better world. Compounding so many others that they posses. Like thinking that idealism equals an appropriate way to set social, political and economic goals. Only for the rest of us to have to deal with the counter productive and often dangerous situations and conditions they create.

  2. So the falls were caused by “distraction from use of smartphones, rushing [and] intoxication but nothing to do with their increase of gaps although they went up by 3 times after the gaps were increased. Superb deductions by their PR people so that they can never manage to actually fix the problems.

  3. What Antisthenes said. You don't have to posit bad intentions; good intentions and determined virtue signalling will cause havoc in this and so much else.

  4. The road to Hell is unevenly paved with good intentions. I thought the Sony Walkman told us something, the cheap Alba knockoffs shouted it; concentrate on what you're doing! Nope, they just won't listen. Entertainment centres on car dashboards now? Are we being softened up for passive driving? Sit back and your friendly DrvBot2.3 will get you there. Corbin impresses me. He might actually turn the Labour Party into the Labour Party. Then the Tories can get on with being Tories. The Liberals will probably carry on being g a nuisance.

  5. "Good intentions have an awful propensity to go very wrong. "

    Because you really do need more than that!

    "...but nothing to do with their increase of gaps although they went up by 3 times after the gaps were increased. "

    Oh, I don't doubt that these people bounced harmlessly off train sides before. All the more reason to pay attention now!

    "I thought the Sony Walkman told us something, the cheap Alba knockoffs shouted it; concentrate on what you're doing! Nope, they just won't listen."

    Better for society to remove these people, before they breed more of their kind!
