Monday 20 June 2016

"Muslims Din't Do Nuffin'..!" Part 457823654

The latest Ofsted report, published this week, said: 'Leaders and staff have had training in preventing extremism and radicalisation, and been given the latest Government safeguarding guidance.
'However, the impact of this work has not rectified safeguarding weaknesses.
'A large number of copies of a leaflet containing highly concerning and extremist views, such as "Music, dancing and singing are acts of devil and prohibited", were discovered during the inspection.
'The leaflets were found in areas shared by the school and adjoining mosque which are used by leaders and in areas used by the pupils from the school.'
Oh dear! How are they going to get out of this one? I mean, surely the usual excuses won't cut the mustard anym...

In a statement issued after Ofsted's latest findings were published, the school - which has a music curriculum - said the leaflets had no association with the mosque or the school and had been 'dumped' by a member of the public.
The school statement added: 'These leaflets were not on the display board or anywhere near the display board.
'They were clearly dumped by a member of the public, ironically next to the sign where it is clearly signposted 'Strictly no posters or leaflets'.

Still, at least if no-one's buying that, you've always got the racist card, right?
'Furthermore in regards to the inspection in question, the conduct of the Ofsted inspectors during this inspection were unacceptable and racist.'
There you go!
As well as claiming that an Ofsted official refused to take off their shoes when visiting the mosque, the school alleges that its equality statement was dismissed as being 'just a piece of paper'.
Well, sounds pretty much like that's just what it is, doesn't it?


  1. Nice Mr Pierrepoint20 June 2016 at 19:25

    Even the Puritans didn't ban music, singing and dancing outside church. People with such miserable, retrograde beliefs should never have been allowed into this country.

  2. Local Authorities (& Ofsted) are riddled with CP placemen, ensuring this sickness in our society is encouraged. "They" are laughing about just how easy the infiltration of Western Culture has been - it's probably now too late to undo the harm (started by one mendacious, two-faced swine, T. Blair and his EU-loving gang).

  3. When East meets Left don't go barefoot.

  4. "its equality statement was dismissed as being 'just a piece of paper'."

    Which is why we are facing a wretched and soulless enemy inside the gates, because everything other than their own officially-approved bit of paper, is just a piece of paper they can ignore. Perhaps one day even our sloth-like leaders will wake up to this uncomfortable fact, though I am not expecting it soon.

  5. "People with such miserable, retrograde beliefs should never have been allowed into this country."

    If they kept those beliefs to themselves, fair enough. But they never seem to.

    "...because everything other than their own officially-approved bit of paper, is just a piece of paper they can ignore."

    A bit like France's attitude to EU rulings..? ;)
