Monday 6 June 2016

Remember, Citizen, Leave It To The Professionals!

Only the State's well-trained agents are skilled in the law:

And only they are honed by years of professionalism:

They are equipped to deal with the most important and pressing cases of disorder:

This has been a public service blogpost.


  1. WPC Jaded of Shoreham and that old helmet, Penise, often remind us that in the matter of plod stupidity, our knowledge as citizens will always be incomplete. We must resort to logic or empirical evidence, to consider all possible instances of reasonable justification for Julia's instances above. So it is, we find ourselves with that familiar, improbable distillate, that we are paying well over the odds to be policed by morons in uniform.

  2. And if they charged the male stripper, I doubt it would stand up in court...

    OK, I'll get my coat.

  3. Wow, you found three instances of where police apparently did something wrong. Double wow. Let's list all the things we did right today that didn't make the press or a blog.Which do you think would be the bigger list?
    Still you got the mental idiot out from under his rock to post something so clever that only he can understand.

  4. I must confess that her self-appointed role as the federation's social media ambassador, is worthy of support. WPC Jaded will hopefully continue to post the quality of material to which I have grown accustomed and reliant.

  5. "And if they charged the male stripper, I doubt it would stand up in court..."


    "Wow, you found three instances of where police apparently did something wrong. "

    'Police did their job' isn't news, is it? It's what we should expect.
