Saturday 18 June 2016

There's No Time, It Seems....

...too disrespectfully inappropriate for the Open Borders mob to push their poisonous beliefs. This is the widower of MP Jo Cox:
Brendan Cox has let it be known that he is determined to continue with the work in memory of his wife, who was killed on Thursday, but believes this will only succeed if lessons can be learned from why the right has so far taken the initiative on the migration issue.
In a paper he wrote a few weeks before his wife was killed which he has circulated – and asked the Guardian to quote from – Cox argues that one of the problems is that those hostile to refugees are better organised, more focused on galvanising public opinion, and better at tapping into human emotions, including over wider economic insecurities.
 But don't worry! They have figured out that time is on their side, and they can just wait until there's a new electorate:
...he claims that the core of support for refugees is highly motivated and probably has demography on its side. “In the US, UK and France, young people (18-34) are between three and four times more supportive than older people. In addition, people who know refugees and immigrants are much more likely to be supportive of them and of migration as a whole.
“As our societies become more diverse and immigration reaches more communities, more communities are likely to become less prejudiced and more supportive. Like the battle for LGBT rights, there could be a tipping point when debates stop being abstract and start to be based on personal experience.”
Mmm, that's worked so well in places like Brick Lane, hasn't it? And Ilford.
In conclusion, Cox writes: “There is no reason we can’t quickly shift the debate back to the mainstream and in doing so not only help refugees and migrants, but also help marginalise the resurgent populist right. To do so we need to readjust our efforts to reflect that power on this issue is with the people.”
They really think only of 'helping refugees and migrants'. There is is, for all to see. The British public? They can go to hell.

And this is why I'm not joining in the eulogising of this MP.


  1. Bloke in Spain18 June 2016 at 11:40

    "people who know refugees and immigrants are much more likely to be supportive of them and of migration as a whole. "

    I grew up in Ilford & lived for 20 years near Tottenham. Can't say I've noticed this effect at all. An old school mate's recently sold the family home in Ilford & moved out of London altogether. He was the last white person in the road. Don't think he'd agree either. In fact, it seems to be the opposite. People tend to be more supportive of refugees & immigrants until they arrive in their locale. They soon change their minds.

  2. Let me translate some of Mr Cox’s phrasing:

    'the mainstream’ = Anti-British Guardian-reading Marxists

    'the resurgent populist right’ = the British working-class

  3. "young people (18-34) are between three and four times more supportive than older people"

    He seems to forget that as they get older they get wiser and that ratio will be no where near that. Plonker.

  4. In places like Islington, where the comfy, cosy Lefties are served by black and brown people who don't hang around the cafes and bistros when the streets have been swept and the bins emptied, immigration seems like a great idea.

    Those of us who have had to live near them all the time tend not think it is such a good idea. As someone who lived in Rotherham for a while, for some reason I take a quite different view of it all.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats18 June 2016 at 18:17

    After I wrote my short piece I discovered that she supported UAF and Hope Not Hate. She was also some sort of assistant to that troughing EU greedmeister Glenys Kinnock. Although these organisations are diametrically opposed to everything I hold dear I wouldn't want Cox dead even though I'd never heard of her until the day she was attacked (me and most of the UK). Needless to say I won't be attending any vigils or signing books of condolence. The whole media and political circus surrounding this death is disgusting. If anyone is persuaded to go against their instincts because of this "you're all guilty" BS and give a sympathy vote then more fool them. Fortunatly I haven't met anyone swayed by the malarky. Most people see it for what it is - just another far nastier aspect of Project Fear. One that paints a whole movement opposed the Remainers as complicit in murder. People resolved to vote Leave are still resolved to vote Leave - some more so with what is happening in the media.

    That deeper barrel your said was on back order - it's bottomless. However low they go there will always be new depths tp plumb. Bastards!

  6. Is there a scorecard like the Ramadam Bombathon one you featured earlier this week that shows how many immigrants killed someone in the UK on the day the she was killed? That'll give it a better perspective.

  7. So, is this a terrorist attack? Or do you have to be a labour MP for that?

  8. Trouble is, they seemed to have sucked many waverers in.

  9. "Can't say I've noticed this effect at all."

    Me neither. The place I grew up is now unrecognisable. As for Barking and Ilford..!

    "Let me translate some of Mr Cox’s phrasing..."

    Spot on! He's secure in the knowledge that none of the drawbacks will ever touch him or his family.

    "He seems to forget that as they get older they get wiser..."

    Well, that's usually been the case. But we've never has a society that's experienced the full effect of that long march through the institutions before, have we?

    "...who don't hang around the cafes and bistros when the streets have been swept and the bins emptied.."

    Good point!

    "...though these organisations are diametrically opposed to everything I hold dear I wouldn't want Cox dead even though I'd never heard of her until the day she was attacked (me and most of the UK)."

    The difference between us and the Left in a nutshell.

    "Is there a scorecard like the Ramadam Bombathon one you featured earlier this week that shows how many immigrants killed someone in the UK on the day the she was killed? That'll give it a better perspective."

    That would indeed shed quite a different light on things...

    "So, is this a terrorist attack? Or do you have to be a labour MP for that? "

    Epsom has a Pizza Hut? Good lord! How things have changed...

    "Trouble is, they seemed to have sucked many waverers in."

    I'd hope not. My main wish for Thursday is that people use their vote, whichever way they use it, and that they don't let this change their vote either way.

    It's far too important for it to be decided on either apathy or sentiment.

  10. In normal circumstances there would be appropiate silence and the family would be left to greive.
    But the husband has wasted no time in using his wifes death (for the spurious reason "it is what she would have wanted") to immediately speak and write after her demise for political purposes with a slanted first tribute, a twitter feed and a next day article in the Guardian, all this when I believe most husbands would want to be alone with the family away from the public eye.

    His article here

    is a classic left wing propaganda piece wanting true debate shut down as he sees the whole immigration part of the referendum as a far right initiative that has turned everyone into a far right supporter, a long way from the truth and the far right if there is such a thing of note in this country is far smaller that the poisonous , to use his words, extreme left.

    He also as he worked in the charity sector, don't they all, wants more money, ours, to prop up the likes of Save the Children a charity he left last year under a very dark cloud, he also supports Hope not Hate ?

    He also wants to shut down debate on immigration, for as usual with activists there is only ever one "correct" way of approaching a problem, theirs, he also as well as being a campaigner for almost everythng was a bag carrier for the Gordon Brown
    Foundation, their is also talk of him replacing his wife in an uncontested ? bye lection.

    No personnaly I don't hate him or anyone having a view but I do despise the hypocrisy.

  11. I also saw the piece on the Epsom stabbing/attempted rape and wondered if it was one of the benefits of diversity. 32 yo man, 17 yo girl, fits the template doesn't it? Obviously no details given on the suspect, I'll put a pound to a penny that if it is an immigrant or a RoP-er it'll be hushed up until after Thursday.

  12. Update: the Epsom stabbing/rape suspect has been named as Costica Voedes:

    Doesn't sound like a local to me..........

  13. Yet another terrorist attack.. Only this time the victim wasn't a labour MP.. And the perpetrator wasn't white.. No reports as yet that he shouted "Viva Labour" or what he gave his name as, but give it time..

  14. Anyone else noticing that all the lefty luvvie rhetoric of "Far Right" and "Brexit Supporter" are being toned down and that there's much distancing and arse covering from that particular meme?

    Sun headline now has it "Crazed Loner"?? Perhaps not allowing facts to get in the way of their theory that it was a far right conspiracy to, well basically completely fuck up the "Far Rights" goal to leave the EU.. Wasn't the best course of action, after all..

  15. She wanted to bring in immigrants without a care on if they wanted to kill, maim or rape any of mine so I shed not tears. I don't think she deserved to die for her beliefs though. She needed to be voted out.

  16. Bunny

    She was also on the Geldof boat taking the piss out of the fishermen. I would have rather seen her voted out of office than killed though.

  17. "power on this issue is with the people"

    This, when their whole life's work is trying to make sure that the people have no power whatever, and just have to accept whatever is done to them by the elites.

    I love it.

    Cognitive dissonance, anyone?

  18. Incidentally, in the light of the Briton who seems to have attempted to assassinate Donald Trump, if had he succeeded does that mean that all Trumps political ambitions should be enacted without further debate, in his memory? Is that the way it works now - you get murdered for your views, your ideas get a free pass to power regardless of what they are, or any form of democratic control?

  19. "...a classic left wing propaganda piece wanting true debate shut down as he sees the whole immigration part of the referendum ..."

    It seems the voters did too, since her district voted 'Out!'...

    "32 yo man, 17 yo girl, fits the template doesn't it?"

    We'll soon see. A man's been arrested & charged, as Jim points out.

    "Anyone else noticing that all the lefty luvvie rhetoric of "Far Right" and "Brexit Supporter" are being toned down ..."

    Too little, and, as it turned out, far too late!

    "Incidentally, in the light of the Briton who seems to have attempted to assassinate Donald Trump, if had he succeeded does that mean that all Trumps political ambitions should be enacted without further debate, in his memory?"

    Heh! I like the way you think... ;)
