Wednesday 6 July 2016

Generation Snowflake Goes To Rio!

Unicode President Mark Davis confirmed the move, telling Buzzfeed 'The committee decided not to mark them as Emoji, but to add them as characters.' This means they will not show up on emoji keyboards.
Previously he responded to criticism in the New York Times, saying , 'Some people are bothered by the inclusion of the rifle as a candidate, but the reason that's included is because shooting is an Olympic sport.'
Not for much longer, if the usual suspects get their way...
Soon after it was announced, the rifle was protested by a British gun control group, which told the BBC, 'It would be familiarising and popularising the image of a weapon which is not a good idea.'
They aren't named. There can't be that many of them, though, surely? After all, we don't need gun control, here, we've already got it.

And it's doing such a good job.


  1. What the left wants is to make sure that all weapons are in the hands of the authorities.

    It's called being in a prison, where the guards have all the guns.

  2. What, no javelin throwing or shot putting either, then.

  3. Bunny

    They'll be banning allotments next, only get your food via government controlled sources.

  4. @Bunny,

    How true especially if May gets to be PM because she can then finish turning the country into a police state.

  5. Lynne at Counting Cats7 July 2016 at 23:15

    Well someone has got to protect those poor, helpless ickle clay pigeons.

  6. "What the left wants is to make sure that all weapons are in the hands of the authorities. "

    Because they imagine they will always be counted as 'the authorities'. Despite how that's often worked out in the past...
