Friday 5 August 2016

Here's Hoping It Pours With Rain Tomorrow...

A bit of a strange wish for a weekend, I know. But there's a reason:
Scotland Yard officers are on alert over possible gang clashes at public events in London next month.
Officers have reportedly been told that gangs plan to hijack a march on August 6 to commemorate the death of Mark Duggan, whose shooting by police five years ago sparked widespread civil unrest.
No, 'civil unrest' isn't the terminology I'd use, frankly!


  1. Useless police allow BLM lunatics to blockade roads to airports. Surely they are breaking a law by which they could be dragged across the asphalt into waiting police vans or is it the colour of the lives that matters more to the police than the disruption of the lives of thousands of others?

  2. Bunny

    Let the Army police, in the same style as say Northern Ireland in the mid-70s.

  3. Anonymous at 11.53. Unlike you I have had to deal with 'lock ons'. They are a no win situation, unfortunately for the police once they (the police) turn up they have a duty of care towards the idiots chained together. I would have loved to have dragged such protesters to the side of the road and left them there but the situation in this country is such that if any of them suffer any form of injury the result will be a protracted IPCC investigation which could be a career ender or career stopper for any officer involved. Unfortunately the only recourse is to wait for a specialist removal team to turn up. You may be surprised to learn that such teams take a bit of time to get assembled. I would imagine the protesters will be charged, either with highway obstruction or public nuisance. It then depends how the courts treat it, either way they will turn any court appearance into a circus. Plane Stupid tried a similar stunt at Heathrow some time ago. It is a form of protest that is difficult to counter as lock ons etc can be assembled very quickly. Perhaps you should try it if you have a cause you are passionate about? BTW the BLM mob think the UK police are a bunch of genocidal lunatics but I don't think closing an airport in the name of a career criminal will win them many friends.
    I don't have a good feeling about this coming weekend.

  4. Bunny

    Pity we couldn't have acid rain

  5. One other way of dealing with this is to have their names and addresses released into the public demain. Then anyone who has missed their flight, lost their holiday, or lost money, to sue each of the individuals through the small claims court. They will then have the opportunity of using an out-dated, and misleading, political argument in a court of law. The thought of spending the rest of their miserable lives bankrupt may just affect their sense of social justice. Civil law can do things that criminal law can't.

  6. Retired,
    Further to my last comment, you can always do what I did when faced with a similar, though lower scale, situation. A colleague video taped my asking them if they would move. When they refused, I told them that I would accept and honour the conscious decision they had made, and left. Unfortunately, a group of students, who had spent most of the evening in the pub, walked by at a time that they needed to urinate. When you have a load of SJWs laying, chained, across a road, blocking the access of other SJWs with a need to empty their bladders, the result was disgusting, hilarious, or summary justice, depending on your point of view. Thanks to the video tape, no disciplinary action was taken against any Police officer. However, today, the SJWs are now occupying the top floors of Police stations.
    Penseivat (also retired)

  7. As much as it grieves me to say it, plod are too pig-ignorant to realise another 'bloody good hiding’ is overdue.

  8. Pensievat, indeed that is a good option. I recall there was a similar lock on by Greenham Common types at a military base in a remote location. It was possible to divert traffic around the lock on with little inconvenience so they were left there. As an older, and wiser, colleague once said 'Ignoring something is never an option, doing nothing always is'.
    If the Heathrow SJW's are charged, and I see no reason why not, their names will be in the public domain. Hopefully they will find out that actions have consequences, but I'm not holding my breath.

  9. You really are scum Melvin.

  10. Bunny

    I am with you on the civil remedies, that would make sense. Potentially a 'class' type action by those affected, if the precious little snowflakes end up at a magistrates court then the names will enter the public domain.

    That is a very effective remedy.

  11. A great pity that someone didn't have a large container of itching powder that they 'accidentally' dropped near them.

  12. Lynne at Counting Cats7 August 2016 at 06:19

    The German police may have the answer - water cannons.

  13. "Surely they are breaking a law by which they could be dragged across the asphalt into waiting police vans..."

    Several were arrested. Not enough.

    "...but the situation in this country is such that if any of them suffer any form of injury the result will be a protracted IPCC investigation which could be a career ender or career stopper for any officer involved."

    And they know this. :/

    "Unfortunately, a group of students, who had spent most of the evening in the pub, walked by at a time that they needed to urinate. When you have a load of SJWs laying, chained, across a road, blocking the access of other SJWs with a need to empty their bladders, the result was disgusting, hilarious, or summary justice, depending on your point of view. "


    "...plod are too pig-ignorant to realise another 'bloody good hiding’ is overdue."

    Channelling old Bernie there, MTG?
