Thursday 25 August 2016

I Think Kidderminster Can Do Without This Sort Of Public Service...

Mr Western said Robinson had pleaded guilty immediately the case came to trial. He appreciated the loss to the Westcott family but had been trying to build up his business in providing a public service for Kidderminster.
Customers spoke of his kindness to them.
Should they ever fall into the path of his taxi, they might not find him so public spirited.
Robinson, who was driving at a legal 40mph, stopped momentarily but then drove on. He went to a garage to see if his vehicle was damaged and had it washed.
"He could well have stopped to have seen what had happened," said Miss Rai.
His excuse for not seeing anything on the road was that he could have been turning off his meter.
Six seconds is a long time to be distracted enough to not see a body in the road..!
Simon Robinson, aged 43, of Steatite Way, Stourport, was also disqualified for 12 months, ordered to do 250 unpaid hours work and pay £530 costs.
After reading a sheaf of references, Judge Robert Juckes QC imposed eight months jail but suspended it for 12 months.

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