Tuesday 30 August 2016

If Only....

Members of the local disabled community gathered outside the restaurant this weekend to demand an apology for the alleged incident.
Some have called for a boycott of the restaurant.
The Guide Dogs For The Blind Association has issued a statement of support to the two women and pledged to give “emotional and legal support” to them.
No, sorry, not the latest incident of disability discrimination. It's just Muslims whinging again.

But wouldn't it be nice to see groups discriminated against by Muslims decide to use the same tactics, instead of whinging to the newspapers?


  1. Some have called for a boycott of the restaurant.

    I imagine there are customers who would be pleased to go to a restaurant where they know they are amongst countrymen who understand the secular French constitution.

  2. Bunny

    If it had been in the UK I would have gone to show support. I like Byron Burgers now.

  3. The restaurant has only to put a statement in their menu, "All our food is prepared in the same kitchen as our pork dishes and we cannot guarantee they were separate".

    If that doesn't work, welcome all dogs!

  4. Crikey Julia, you are on a bit of a rant there. That last one whinging to the papers was about a Chinese restaurant, just saying, although they migh have been Chinese Muslims :)

  5. "I imagine there are customers who would be pleased to go to a restaurant where they know they are amongst countrymen who understand the secular French constitution."

    I certainly would!

    "If that doesn't work, welcome all dogs!"

    I thought all French restaurants did! A work colleague tells an amusing tale about sitting down at a French restaurant's outdoor area, placing her enormous Mongolian lamb handbag on the seat next to her and watching, bemused, as the waiter heading her way about-faced back to the kitchen to fetch a bowl of water for her 'lapdog'...

    "That last one whinging to the papers was about a Chinese restaurant, just saying, although they migh have been Chinese Muslims :)"

    There are indeed such things!
