Saturday 13 August 2016

Kill It With Fire!

The go-to choice for lazy, SJW-pandering film-making, it seems....


  1. Until producers decided it would bomb, the last prospective sequel featured a brain-controlled flying wheelchair, adapted for Christopher Reeve.

  2. Enjoy the curtain twitching, keep collaborating with plod.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats13 August 2016 at 12:25

    Just as long as they don't film "Brexiteer" and give Diane Abbott the lead.

  4. DIsney will be looking at how the feminist version of Ghostbuster utterly tanked to the box office this year and will run away from this pitch faster thebn even the rocket could propel it.

    I suspect this piece of media has been put out by it's right-on supporters in a last ditch attempt to pressurise Disney to fund it.

  5. Bunny

    FFS, really do Disney want a loss of the Ghostbusters re-boot on their hands? Why do the SJWs always come up with utterly stupid ideas. If you are going to do a film with a female lead, do something original, say like 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'.

  6. Now waiting for the film adaptation of The Adventures of Thomasina Sawyer. This could followed by a remake of Taxi Driver, about a feminist cabby who keeps muttering, "You whistling at me?". Then there is Thelma and Louise, about two transgender males. The possibilities are as endless as they are puerile.

  7. "...the last prospective sequel featured a brain-controlled flying wheelchair, adapted for Christopher Reeve."

    Jeez, what are they smoking in Hollywood?

    "Enjoy the curtain twitching, keep collaborating with plod."

    Did you plan to comment somewhere else, somewhere that made sense?

    "Just as long as they don't film "Brexiteer" and give Diane Abbott the lead."


    "DIsney will be looking at how the feminist version of Ghostbuster utterly tanked to the box office this year and will run away from this pitch faster thebn even the rocket could propel it."

    Well, let's hope so. But sometimes, Hollywood is as slow to turn as a fully-laden supertanker.

  8. "If you are going to do a film with a female lead, do something original, say like 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'."

    Well, quite! There's countless thousands of original books/comics/concepts with a strong female lead.

    This only makes sense if the raison d'etre is not to make a good film, but to stick it to 'the patriarchy'.

    "Now waiting for the film adaptation of The Adventures of Thomasina Sawyer."

    How many times do I have to say 'Don't give these people ideas!'..? ;)
