Sunday 14 August 2016


Seen at my local bootsale:



  1. It's a snail that never leaves.

  2. I am one person that cannot laugh at bad spelling. If it was not for spell checker I would not dare write any comments on the internet. As for my grammar I am sure that is not up to much I used to come bottom of the class in English. I am so bad at languages that I spent 11 years in French speaking countries and still hardly speak it. Just enough to be confident to go shopping in a French supermarket. One day a grammar checker will be incorporated into spell check. For that I cannot wait as I am sure I will write like Chesterton afterwards.

  3. I think they sometimes do it deliberately to draw people into a conversation that might lead to a sail ;-).

    I once saw a sign outside a green'grocers* shop: "SEADLES GRAIPS". It took me a while to work out what he was selling but there's no way anybody went through 10 years or so of our wonderful education system and ended up spelling like that. Is there?

    * Yes, that is how you spell it. ;-)

  4. Just go to any of the major chain stores and read their Company-produced "propaganda" (aka advertising).
    Grocer's apostrophes abound, as does piddle-poor spelling.
    I've long since given up trying to correct the mistakes as no-one in management can see the errors!

  5. "It's a snail that never leaves."


    "One day a grammar checker will be incorporated into spell check. "

    There is one! In 'Word', it highlights with a green underline, rather than a red one.

    "I think they sometimes do it deliberately to draw people into a conversation that might lead to a sail ;-)."


    "I've long since given up trying to correct the mistakes as no-one in management can see the errors!"

    *sighs* Me too. The blank looks you get are disheartening.
