Friday 12 August 2016

"The revelations will add to the already serious questions about South Yorkshire Police’s handling of the investigation..."

You're not kidding!
Amongst the documents to vanish from the police evidence room at Rotherham police station are a teenager’s diary which chronicled her years of sex abuse at the hands of grooming gangs, a victim’s original interview notes with officers and a 14-year-old’s DNA evidence.
 Jesus wept!
Lizzie, who was groomed by a gang of Asian men from the age of 15, also raised fears that a corrupt officer told her abuser she had contacted the police.
She said: "I can remember ringing the police when I got attacked by one of them and somehow he found out and then he was messaging me, threatening messages. Now how did he find out, because nobody knew I'd been to do the interview and the statement?”
You won't be too surprised to find this story isn't in this morning's 'Guardian', will you? They are still busy taking out an onion for Kadiza Sultana or fretting about minor contract disputes.

Bet your life they'd be all over South Yorkshire Police statements with a fine tooth comb if this was a complaint from Black Lives Matter, though... wrote to South Yorkshire Police presenting the allegations to them and setting out a series of questions for them to answer.
We asked the force whether it has launched an internal investigation into the disappearance of material from Rotherham police station, and whether it is considering bolstering security around the secure evidence room.
We also requested details of how many reports of evidence relating to child sexual exploitation going missing the force has received in the last six years.
The force declined to comment on the issue.
Did they lose their boilerplate 'nuffin' to do wiv us, guv' prepared statement too?

H/T: Battsby via Twitter


  1. 'Did they lose their boilerplate 'nuffin' to do wiv us, guv' prepared statement too?'

    This is not a matter of concern for those wielding improper influence through political, Masonic or other corrupt connections. For the rest of us, the real question is 'Who can we trust to act impartially in any of these so-called police services?'

  2. Corruption and incompetence has always been with us. Now however with the growth of government, it's institutions, agencies and the influx of people from countries where it is endemic an environment has been created that makes being honest and competent considerably disadvantageous.

    Today Sir Eric Pickles has exposed the fact that electoral fraud is a growth industry in places where Pakistani and Bangladeshis live. You report daily on the nefarious maladministration of police forces and the like others point out the failings of public sector bodies, the cover ups, the misuses of taxpayers and charity givers money. The list of malfeasance and corrupt practices is endless.

    The progressive left and immigrants are turning the UK into a shit hole as we predicted they would. The former with their ideologies and policies and the latter with their imported very low standards and values(although progressives can be said to share that with immigrants. Equality means we must all adhere to lowest common denominator and that is very low indeed).

  3. Slightly off topic, but you must have read that heartwarming story in today's Mail, of yet another thoroughly corrupt plod caught in possession of stolen goods.

    Sergeant Dick Pendlebury (who led a police anti-shoplifting campaign) was detained during some off-duty thieving at Asda in Bury. Staff stopped Sgt Pendlebury outside the store and found unpaid goods amounting to £24, inside his bag. Lovely!
    Sgt Pendlebury then assaulted a security guard upon being asked to return to the store. As a police investigation began, Pendlebury's wife relayed the incident to her hairdresser during a salon hair appointment and falsely claimed she had been manhandled by the guard herself - insisting her husband had only tried to defuse the situation. In short, the hairdresser was coerced into signing a statement which falsely declared she had witnessed events to corroborate the Pendlebury version.

    Don't you just love the emergence of those predictable series of fabrications, false statements and conspiracies to pervert the course of justice, as corrupt plod are caught. Of course, when all else fails, the old trusty 'mix up' card can come into play.

    Mail comments included Jaded's authentic plod gibberish: "Yes, what she did was wrong. I suspect that because she is a Policeman's wife that had some bearing on the sentence but 12 months imprisoment (sic) is harsh in this day and age where violin crimes that cause untold misery to the victim are given a suspended sentense if that. No doubt the Police hating readers will not agree"


  4. Melvin if you are going to be a repetitive boring buffoon please make sure you quote the correct Jaded. That wasn't me but you lefties are great at misrepresentation.
    Jaded-the real one.

  5. Jaded from Shoreham Shoreham by Sea, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
    Yes, what she did was wrong. I suspect that because she is a Policeman's wife that had some bearing on the sentence but 12 months imprisoment is harsh in this day and age where violent crimes that cause untold misery to the victim are given a suspended sentence if that. No doubt the Police hating readers will not agree

    Read more:
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  6. I'm Jaded from Bromley. You're a cock from Huddersfield.

  7. Calm yourself, the Latin abbreviation is no fiddle.

  8. "For the rest of us, the real question is 'Who can we trust to act impartially in any of these so-called police services?'"

    A worrying question. One to which I wish I had an answer..

    "Corruption and incompetence has always been with us. Now however with the growth of government, it's institutions, agencies and the influx of people from countries where it is endemic an environment has been created that makes being honest and competent considerably disadvantageous. "

    I fear so. The consequences of allowing the unchecked growth of government into all aspects of our lives have, I fear, yet to be fully realised.

    "Don't you just love the emergence of those predictable series of fabrications, false statements and conspiracies to pervert the course of justice..."

    It's sad. You'd think they'd be better at it. Yet they turn out to be as incompetent as the lowlives they nick daily!

    "...12 months imprisoment is harsh in this day and age where violent crimes that cause untold misery to the victim are given a suspended sentence..."

    But anon, the point is, we expect - no, we DEMAND - that the police be better than this. Not simply at the same level as the lowest common denominator...
