Wednesday 3 August 2016

This Tiny Violin Never Has Time To Get Dusty...

His family told the inquest how Tommy was not one to take risks and that deciding to go through the barrier was completely out of character.
Speaking after the hearing, his sister, Jade, 22, called for Network Rail to improve the barriers at the crossing.
She said: "We found it very surprising that they managed to just pull them apart and get through.
"We would like to see better barriers put in place to make sure this doesn't happen again."
So, it was the barriers that were at fault, then, and not Tommy?
Doctor David Wright told how toxicology tests showed 275ml of alcohol in his blood per 100ml which he said would have been consistent with "extreme drunkenness".
He also had traces of cannabis in line with recreational use of the drug.
*rummages in image library*


  1. "Doctor David Wright told how toxicology tests showed 275ml of alcohol in his blood PER 100ml"? That's absolutely ... well I wonder how much the doc had had to say that?

  2. Until we start accepting that there are some people that are too thick to live we are going to continue to add costs to businesses to try and stop these idiots doing this sort of thing. And it wont make any difference they will still find a way to do it.

    Magistrates should have a too thick to live opinion that they can issue instead of calling for more to be done.

  3. He appears to have had some blood in his alcohol stream.

  4. I wonder which pub served him until he was so drunk? "Juss won more pin', go on, I luv you"

    275ml in 100ml is quite incredible/impossible/lazy journalism.

  5. Build the rat-boy proof barriers, surrounding the estate or caravan park where they live. Most of us will know, or know of, a train driver traumatised by either suicides or bleddy eejits. Either way it's selfish people behaving as they have been taught by our Common Purpose infested State. Get them to build the barriers, from the inside.

  6. Let's hope that Tommy never bred and his bloodline ended there.

  7. Lynne at Counting Cats7 August 2016 at 06:46

    Everyone is feeling sorry for the drunk. What about the poor train driver being scarred for life by the trauma?

  8. "...well I wonder how much the doc had had to say that?"


    "He appears to have had some blood in his alcohol stream."


    "I wonder which pub served him until he was so drunk?"

    The police never seem to follow this up, do they?

    "Build the rat-boy proof barriers, surrounding the estate or caravan park where they live."

