Wednesday 31 August 2016

Words Fail Me...

Mr Saththiyanathan, 51, told a national newspaper: "It’s the council’s fault that they died there should have been lifeguards.”
“They could not swim and they were playing football on the beach."
I mean, where do you even start...?


  1. It's hard to put my finger on what it is, but there's something about this story that really doesn't quite add up.

  2. You could start, perhaps, with the inexhaustible media appetite for emotive statements from the bereaved; in post-Blair Britain, sentimentality trumps reason every time.

    Somehow, this springs inevitably to mind...

  3. Personal responsibility that went the way of the Dodo. Progressives and other lefties promise us that personal responsibility and self reliance come to that is no longer our concern. The buck has been passed to government. So when we do come to harm is it not right to rail against authority or to perhaps think a society that has created a culture of dependency and entitlement has in fact made a very unsustainable and unstable environment. That we should perhaps reclaim personal responsibility and self reliance as government is a very unsafe place for them to be deposited.

  4. Of course responsibility has gone the way of the Dodo:- whilst many are fairly accurate in pointing out that the PTB have used "1984" as a training guide, few have noticed just how much the social control aspects of "Brave New World" have been eagerly, avidly yet quietly introduced by the élite.

    I'm sure (at least I hope) it will all end in tears.

    Hopefully the élite's.

  5. If they were playing football on the beach, perhaps they should also have had a referee and 2 linesmen?

  6. "...but there's something about this story that really doesn't quite add up."

    I know just what you mean...

    "Somehow, this springs inevitably to mind..."

    Hah! Indeed! And welcome back, MacHeath. You've been missed.

    "...few have noticed just how much the social control aspects of "Brave New World" have been eagerly, avidly yet quietly introduced by the élite."

    Good point!

    "If they were playing football on the beach, perhaps they should also have had a referee and 2 linesmen?"

    Heh! This offside penalty is a bit harsher than they were used to, clearly...

  7. God's will, innit.
