Tuesday 9 August 2016

You Can't Buy Advertising This Good!

Pip’s Original Doughnuts & Chai claimed to be offering the “best job in Portland” when it published an advert looking for up to two “part time folks”.
But the Oregon outlet warned interested people they would not be suitable if they had any “non-medical, non-religious dietary restrictions”.
Seems reasonable. Who could possibly obj...

...some customers in Orgeon, recently voted America’s most vegan-friendly city by animal rights group PETA, slammed the advert and accused the shop of discrimination.
*baffled face*
Iva Helzer wrote on the store’s Facebook page: “Won't return now that I know you discriminate against vegetarians in your hiring practices!
“We are good enough to buy your products, in my case near daily, but not okay to work there.
I suggest a new slogan: 'Come to Pip's - Guaranteed Irritating Vegan-Free!'
He wrote on Facebook: “After receiving as much hate email as we have in the last two days I'm more steadfast and sure of our position than ever.
I'd rather have the freedom to run my business in a way that is both lawful and representative of my own hard-earned right of choice than capitulate to bullying, fear tactics and intimidation.
I wish I was in Oregon. I'd buy your stuff, and I don't even like ghastly American doughnuts (sugar-dusted ring doughnut only, no jam, never sprinkles).


  1. I bet they're disappointed that vegans aren't a race; they've missed out on the top of the pops in lefty smear.

  2. We need an index of these good places to eat ... And avoid the rest.

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats9 August 2016 at 13:43

    How refreshing. And since meat eaters outnumber rabbit foodists probably a shrewd commercial move.

  4. I am always puzzled why people have to tell everyone they won't be shopping at certain place. If someone exercises their right to shop where they wish (subject to price, one assumes) but changes their mind then it is enough to simply stop going to the old shop. The business, having lost customers, will realise soon enough with lower profits.

    Ooops, I said "profit" so there will be anger on the streets of Outrage City!

  5. Why the exception for religiously based dietary restrictions though? You don't eat meat because you consider that the meat industry might involve cruelty and unnecessary suffering of animals, that's bad. You don't eat certain types of meat because an imaginary being supposedly wrote something on a bronze age scroll that's OK.


  6. I would have thought that the prospect of a restaurant free of whinging, moaning, narcisstic vegans would be enough to ensure it's packed every night.

  7. It's nice when things like this happen. My wicked smile has just turned on. Good news for a change.

  8. As a person who has a vegan diet (I don't call myself a 'Vegan', it's not a race it's a diet!) I wholeheartedly agree with their position. It is their choice to employ whom they please, and generally, 'Vegans' are the most obnoxious, self-opinionated, hypercritical and intolerant bastards on the planet!

  9. Anonymous said...

    "Why the exception for religiously based dietary restrictions though?"

    I suspect to comply with "anti-discrimination" laws.

    You can't be seen to be discriminating against, for example, members of a religion which advocates killing you and the rest of your Kufir employees and customers.

  10. A Pound to a Penny that if they had an open recruitment, at least one of the workers would complain about being exposed to sugar, milk, wheat, or some other ingredient they are allergic to. You will always find professional complainers or litigants.

  11. "I bet they're disappointed that vegans aren't a race..."

    I think they might be a species...

    "We need an index of these good places to eat ... And avoid the rest."


    "And since meat eaters outnumber rabbit foodists probably a shrewd commercial move."

    If they do get up a picket, it'll be the least threatening one ever...

    "I am always puzzled why people have to tell everyone they won't be shopping at certain place."

    In an effort to reach the 'Yeah, me too!' crowd?

    "You will always find professional complainers or litigants."

    Because we keep encouraging them!
