Wednesday 21 September 2016

Another Baby Seal Hostage....

The annual Hockley Christmas lights night has been ditched because of a lack of volunteers coming forward to help marshal the event as well as operational support, including moving around equipment on the day.
And volunteers have been found who will rush to.....moan about this in the local paper?

John Pocklington from Orchard Avenue, Hockley, said it was a disappointment the celebration wouldn’t be taking place. The 71-year-old said: “Everyone is up in arms about this. It’s usually a big community event of the year, you can’t move it is so packed.
“Hundreds usually come and there are stalls, children dancing, and choirs - to move around was almost impossible because so many people turn up.”
You might think that the event is, therefore, a victim of its own success. And you'd be partly right.
Roy Martin, the chairman of Hockley Parish Council, explained: “ This year the parish council has encountered some late operational and safety challenges which we do not have the resources to resolve in time.”
It is also unlikely we will have the support of either the police or the fire service due to their other priorities.
So....what's happened here is the council get to shrug their shoulders and say 'Toree cutz, mate, innit?' Because that's easier than changing the event into something more manageable.


  1. Tell them you're renaming it the Notting Hill Carnival (East), and watch the public services suddenly fall over themselves to help.

  2. Or they could tell the council there will be a "Black Gay, Transsexual, Islamic, Lives Matter" Stall. How much money and logistics will the organisers need? Done!

  3. Forgot to add that it's the fault of the organisers for having the word "Christmas" in the event name. How dare they, the racist, fascist, bastards?

  4. We have the same problem over the annual march to our local Cenotaph. Suddenly, no councillors, police (plastic or otherwise)and the like are available to assist. But give them a multi-culti "Mela" (whatever one of those is) for the local preferred population (no prizes for guessing who)and they are there faster than to a free all you can eat smorgasbord.

  5. Because of course funding for the community is only a priority for the council when it's a targeted section of the community.

  6. Michael, 21st, 18:18

    Actually a Mela is a Hindu festival and usually fun for all if you like Indian food & music. The ROP do not "do" fun.

  7. "Tell them you're renaming it the Notting Hill Carnival (East), and watch the public services suddenly fall over themselves to help."


    "We have the same problem over the annual march to our local Cenotaph."


    "Because of course funding for the community is only a priority for the council when it's a targeted section of the community."

    Spot on!

    "Actually a Mela is a Hindu festival and usually fun for all if you like Indian food & music."

    Characterized by no stabbings.
