Thursday 22 September 2016

Coming Over Here, Driving Into Our Taxis…

The Romanian had moved to Britain three years earlier and was working as an Uber driver to send money home to his family after his father died.
One can only wonder how he drove his cab..!
CCTV recorded Mr Suruianu’s speed as between 52 and 60mph, but as he was believed to be braking for much of this time, his initial speed was probably higher.
Detective Sergeant Chris Osbourne said: “An average of 70mph would not have been far off it.”
I wonder if he'd have been prosecuted if he survived?
Coroner Dr William Dolman recorded a verdict of accidental death.
There being no verdict of 'totally unavoidable death cause by being a cretin'...


  1. Such news is always sad news for fellow bikers. I avoid the Capital...but when it is necessary to travel through or around it, I prefer two wheeled transport. Otherwise the congestion usually limits progress to well below the maximum speed limits.

  2. "Otherwise the congestion usually limits progress to well below the maximum speed limits."

    So much for the Congestion Charge, eh?

    "Them's the breaks."



  3. "There being no verdict of 'totally unavoidable death cause by being a cretin'..."

    Surprised at you, Julia; its not like you to be so judgemental!
