Monday 19 September 2016

Hey, Doesn't Everyone..?

Tetteh, a graduate in international travel and tourism, said her boyfriend had asked her to keep the package for him because he was moving house.
She claimed she did not suspect the bag contained anything suspicious.
Yes, well, I always keep packages I don't think are suspicious wrapped inside a section of soil pipe in a locked bedroom....


  1. At least the judge didn't give 25 mins community service, which seems to be par these days for female offenders.


  2. She must have been a member of the "I was just standing on the corner, when this bloke, a complete stranger whom I have never seen before; asked me to hold this parcel" clan.

  3. "At least the judge didn't give 25 mins community service...."

    She's probably planning an appeal..!

    "She must have been a member of the "I was just standing on the corner, when this bloke, a complete stranger whom I have never seen before; asked me to hold this parcel" clan."

    A very big clan, whose members keep unaccountably getting into all sorts of scrapes...
