Friday 9 September 2016

No, It's Not 'Like' This...

A senior Southend councillor has now called on the Government to change legislation to make the eviction process easier.
Tory councillor Mark Flewitt said: “There is no excuse, no one has the right to go on someone else’s land or property- they do not have licence to be there.
“They can cause a nuisance to the community and property owners sometimes. “ is a case that they do, indeed, have more rights than everyone else:
Mary Brown, who lives in Westcliff said she was frustrated with the situation.She added: “It’s frustrating because no one can do anything, it is like they have more rights than the residents and businesses.
“It’s not the council’s problem, or the police’s and it can take so long and cost a fortune to take them to court to get rid of them.
“There is such an issue with travellers in Southend, more needs to be done.”
And nobody in authority cares. You're just the little people whose taxes pay for the indulgence of their social consciences.


  1. I have no argument with an "Irish and Irish Traveller Outreach and Resettlement service" if they are big heavy men who are armed and basically say "Oi, you lot! Behave, clean up after yourselves, pay your way for the services received and OBEY THE LAW".

    We could even call this force "Law enforcement officers" since there is clearly a need for something of that ilk currently.

  2. Until trespass becomes a criminal offence, then this kind of thing will continue, and the law won't change until a bunch of caravans, half starved ponies, and mangy dogs, appears in the grounds of a government minister.

  3. "We could even call this force "Law enforcement officers" since there is clearly a need for something of that ilk currently."

    These scum turned up at a park near my mum yesterday. According to the 'Streetlife' online blog, the police turned up...and just watched and did nothing as more caravans arrived... :/

    "...and the law won't change until a bunch of caravans, half starved ponies, and mangy dogs, appears in the grounds of a government minister."

    Which will never happen. These scum aren't stupid.
