Thursday 29 September 2016

Not All Terrorists Pray To Allah...

Northlands Place, Essex:
“We have rung the police but nobody comes out and nothing gets done. We are effectively policing our own street by confronting these people.”
Another man added: “Myself, my wife and my daughter are suffering day and night.
“I have reported many hate crime incidents, racism and vandalism, every day.”
Clayton, Manchester:
Sande Saghabas, 56, said all the residents are living constantly on edge. She said the gang were armed with a machete on Friday and chasing people down the street. The retired store detective, who has had six tyre punctures in one month, has called the police 40 times since April.
'I complained to the police, we all have, they sent two special constables who didn't know the area - but nothing has been done. They say they can't prove who it is.
'We are living on our nerves - it won't be long before someone is seriously hurt.
'We can't just sit back and let his happen. We fret for our animals - we are scared for our children and grandchildren.'
Essex excuses:
Chief Insp Shaun Kane, district commander for Basildon, said: “Antisocial behaviour should not be dismissed and nobody should suffer any discomfort in their own come.
"Clearly I am very concerned to hear about the problems our residents have been facing and I want to reassure them that I am fully committed to tackling these issues.
"We do not tolerate criminal activity, hate crime or anti-social behaviour in our communities.
"I have commissioned an urgent review of all anti-social behaviour incidents reported in the Northlands Park area and will produce a policing plan and multi-partner strategy to target those intent on causing misery to others.”
Manchester excuse:
A Manchester City Council spokesman said: 'Anti-social behaviour can make residents' lives a misery and we work closely with the police to investigate complaints and resolve them whenever possible.
'Officers from North Manchester and Tameside are currently in a joint operation to deal with the ongoing issues.
'Officers are working with Manchester City Council and Eastland Homes to provide much needed youth intervention and diversion schemes to the area.'
Is it me, or are they all singing from the same hymnsheet?


  1. neva mind terorists, burgularies and stuff...we got all them motirists what is goin faster than the speed limit by 2 mph to nick and there winscreens tested innit

  2. How very sad you are Melvin.

  3. The newspapers blot out the faces of the yobs (suspected and actual) because they face prosecution if there is no evidence to link an ndividual with a crime. However, there is nothing to stop members of the public photographing or videoing them and downloading them onto youtube or social networking sites. Report the parents to social services as having children who are feral and out of control (the SS don't need evidence, simply an excuse to keep their boxes ticked and figures up). Of course the Police should do more, but a uniformed presence will only make these kids run off and commit mayhem somewhere else. Not, of course, that I am suggesting enterprising locals do this as it is against the law, but in the past, close to where I once patrolled, once the addresses of similar kids were known, bricks through their Windows in the middle of the night, tyres punctured, brake fluid poured over their cars, and notes left indicating that this is retribution for their actions, made the parents take more note of what their children have been doing. THEN the Police will do something, as, with apologies to Jaded, current policies may downgrade criminal damage and public order offences, but vigilantism will not be tolerated.
    Melv (for it is you, isn't it?),
    ACPO guidelines allow plus or minus 10% of a car's speed plus 2mph, so 2 miles over the limit is nothing. Perhaps it's time that you realised your limit? Nice to know you're alive and still spouting sh* te, by the way.

  4. I wonder what would be the results if the normal people were to open fire in these yobs with paint ball guns filled with an indelible paint.

  5. The police love to work in "partnerships" An excuse for meetings with tea and biscuits rather than feeling collars. There's always someone else to blame when things go tits up. Just get on and make life impossible for the scrotes and their families.

  6. "However, there is nothing to stop members of the public photographing or videoing them and downloading them onto youtube or social networking sites."

    Nothing indeed.

    Except that the police who shrug at the thought of getting out and nicking the little sods would jump all over the chance of sitting in a warm office collecting evidence of 'internet harassment' before arresting the people posting the stuff instead...

    "...vigilantism will not be tolerated."

    Nature may abhor a vacuum, but the State abhors competition a lot more!

    "I wonder what would be the results if the normal people were to open fire in these yobs with paint ball guns filled with an indelible paint."

    The immediate launch of the police helicopter and an ARV unit despatched to arrest the 'gunman'.

    "The police love to work in "partnerships" An excuse for meetings with tea and biscuits rather than feeling collars."

    Sadly too true. *sighs*
