Tuesday 6 September 2016

Slow News Day, Again..?

Piccadilly Rats dancer ‘Tommy Trouble’ aka Tommy Piggot, 75, called into the Piccadilly Gardens branch of Subway on Saturday and asked for an empty cup, which he intended to decant his own drinks into later in the day.
The pensioner, who is recovering after a nasty fall earlier this year, was taken aback when staff allegedly told him they would have to charge him £1.10 for the empty cup, but decided to pay it anyway.
Man demands free stuff, doesn't get it! News at eleven!
A spokesman for Subway said outlets are run independently and it is up to the owner of each restaurant whether to hand out paper cups for free, or to charge to fill it with a drink bought in the shop.
That's a bit 'passing the buck', isn't it? Who is this impoverished pensioner, anyway?
The Piccadilly Rats are well-known for their dodgy dancing and wacky performances in Manchester city centre.
Former rag and bone man Tommy ended up in hospital earlier this year with four broken ribs, facial injuries and a fractured eye socket after falling five feet from a truck during the Manchester Irish Parade.
Ah. A busker, in other words.

H/T: @cheshiretoad via Twitter


  1. Subway is a franchise operation; they provide the goods, marketing and format standards, but the independent operator is the owner who has paid to run one of these.

    So no, not buck-passing in this case.


  2. That's Ricky Tomlinson impersonating a police officer.............


  3. "So no, not buck-passing in this case. "

    That would take the sting out of the accusation of 'a global corporation being mean', wouldn't it?

    Pity the people who write these things up for the papers never want to be real journalists...

    "That's Ricky Tomlinson impersonating a police officer............."

