Thursday 13 October 2016

But Not All Schoolkids, I Bet..?

Teachers should be given more powers to search pupils they suspect of carrying knives, according to an independent report on the death of the Aberdeen schoolboy Bailey Gwynne, which goes on to recommend that the Scottish government explore tighter controls on buying weapons online.
We know who won't be searched, don't we, reader?

Naturally, if the teachers get their way, there won't be any searching of anyone.
Based on one-to-one interviews with more than 40 people, the inquiry said the immediate aftermath of the stabbing “was well managed by all agencies”.
Typical - a child died unnecessarily, but the State cleaned up after it so well! Give 'em a cookie!


  1. Has anyone seen or heard any comments from the stabber's family (if there is anything resembling a 'family' in that child's back-ground).

  2. I spoke to my eldest son about this, he's 16 and attends school in Scotland. He said that the pressure to not be a grass, combined with the lack of protection of those who do inform teachers of issues within the school, is prevalent in his school as in other schools and wider society.

    He's lily white, as are his friends and the majority of the school.

  3. "Has anyone seen or heard any comments from the stabber's family..."

    Not a one!

    "He said that the pressure to not be a grass, combined with the lack of protection of those who do inform teachers of issues within the school, is prevalent in his school as in other schools and wider society."

    There was a chap on Twitter yesterday, taking photos of people misusing the 'parent and child' parking at his local supermarket. Was he applauded? Well, no. To judge from the angry reaction, you'd have thought he was publishing up-skirt shots of barely-legal girls.

    This is the society we're building.
