Wednesday 12 October 2016

I Thought We Were Getting Tougher On Flight Disruption?

Beth Brown, mitigating, said: “He accepts that him and his friends were in high spirits and were quite rowdy.
“He said that he asked the officers to give him another opportunity and he then fully accepts trying to resist the officers.
“Now looking back at the situation, he wishes that he had left the aircraft itself but sadly that did not take place and all he can remember is being taken to the floor. He is remorseful and shocked by his actions.
 Ha! Like that's going to fly!

Magistrates ordered Crosby to carry out a 12-month community order, with 80 hours of unpaid work and to complete a thinking skills programme.
About time magistrates were sent on these too!
He must also pay £100 compensation, £85 court costs and an £85 victim surcharge.
Is that all the court time costs? I think not.


  1. What the hell is a "Thinking Skills Programme"?

  2. The person "mitigating" actually said this? "He accepts that HIM and his friends were..."

    And this is allegedly a lawyer? You know, like, educated and skilled in the use of the English language?

    We're doomed, aren't we...

  3. 'HIM' bit plod? Any attempt to consume uncooked pork is fraught with risks of acquiring life-changing diseases, lice and a variety of other parasites.

  4. Thinking skills? - Those sent on such a dubious course will inevitably be those who lack the equipment required to partake in, let alone complete the course so therefore it's a total waste of time and money from the outset.

  5. "And this is allegedly a lawyer? You know, like, educated and skilled in the use of the English language?"

    It's a toss up between '2nd rate English-as-a-second-language lawyer' or 'semi-literate hack who can't transcribe his own notes accurately'.

    Frankly, both could be the cause.

    " therefore it's a total waste of time and money from the outset."

    Unless you're employed on a lucrative civil service approved contract to deliver it, of course!
