Monday 17 October 2016

Let's Hear It For Personal Responsibility!

Barbara Ellen opines on the Ched Evans debacle:
Legality aside, what Evans might find himself dealing with from now on is the wider public response to the sickening, self-justifying culture he’s come to represent and the importance of personal responsibility.
Hurrah! Quite right, Barbara! So, we'll be suggesting that young women don't get lagered up and throw themselves at footballers (and their friends), will we?
Despite all the money sloshing around, football has miraculously remained one of the few areas of public life where those at the top tend to come from working-class backgrounds, which is something to be proud of.
But how is it possible to be “proud” of a grubby, self-gratifying world where, in too many cases, the personal nightlife “perks” have revolved around budget hotel rooms, crude phone footage and impressionable, outnumbered women?
So it'd have been OK if she invited friends too? Bit hard to see where you're going with this one, love...
This has become about everyone, but mainly a certain breed of calculating men, taking absolute responsibility for their sexual conduct.
Ah. My mistake. It's going exactly where these columns in the MSM always seem to go. As Tim Worstall points out, it's the usual double standards.


  1. Were I to be facing the prospect of a prison sentence and the life changing/damaging effects that would go with a custodial sentence I would want all the facts to be laid before the jury for them to base their verdict upon.

    If this was to include the past behaviour of my accuser then so be it.

    To many this may seem unfair but if the boot was on the other foot I am sure they would be the first to demand it was laid before the jury.

  2. I believe people convicted of not having a TV licence don't actually have to have been watching anything to be convicted:- possession of the necessary equipment is deemed to be sufficient grounds: it appears that the feminist harridan running the CPS wishes to apply the same logic to make all males rapists.

  3. Given what she apparently told Evans during the act (to 'fuck me harder' and 'fuck me from behind', in a way she had previously with other consenting partners) it does rather shatter the idea that he climbed on top of an apocalyptically drunk, unconscious young woman who had no idea what she was doing or what was being done to her, and it seems reasonable for him to assume consent was given.
    The important thing though is, given we lost our best striker and form player for the last few games of the 2012 season, lost out on promotion to Sheffield Wednesday by the narrowest of margins, and have been languishing in division 3 since then, where's the compensation for Sheffield United's long-suffering fans?

  4. I find the very phrase: "Legality aside" quite chilling.

  5. "...but if the boot was on the other foot I am sure they would be the first to demand it was laid before the jury."

    I wonder how many people demanding her past be kept out of it are gleefully hanging on every accusation made against Donald Trump?

    " does rather shatter the idea that he climbed on top of an apocalyptically drunk, unconscious young woman who had no idea what she was doing or what was being done to her.."


    "I find the very phrase: "Legality aside" quite chilling."

    Indeed so. Remember when we had the finest legal system in the land? What happened?
