Sunday 30 October 2016

Maths Lesson With The 'Daily Mail'...

“Britain could face a 'divorce' bill of up to 20 billion Euros - around £18 billion - as the cost of leaving the EU. The massive payment is expected to be demanded by Brussels to settle shared liabilities. Eurocrats are preparing calculations for the sums that need to be divided up as the UK entangles itself from the bloc. They are believed to include £217 billion of unpaid budget appropriations, £57.5billion of pension liabilities, and other commitments totalling around £29 billion.
That’s £303.5 billion, just a tad over the £18 billion stated in the first sentence.

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. It would appear that the EU wants the UK to pay enough to balance the EU books for the first time in its history.

    It is all balls of course because the UK can just stop paying and the German bank will fail then the house of cards will tumble.

  2. No doubt there will be off setting liabilities the EU have with the UK and the future years reductions in contribution savings but do not expect a journalist to point that out(it would mute the sensational impact too much). The bill will be high but for me a price well worth paying to retrieve our sovereignty and our right to self determination and to obtain those future contribution savings. The EU is a vanity project of the worst kind. It may have laudable ambitions but like socialism much of which is incorporated in it's modus operandi it is incapable of delivering them.

  3. The author rites about us "entangling ourselves from the EU". Perhaps the writer would be more comfortable in a non English speaking country.

  4. Nick Clegg's pension. Let's just take a moment to think about how we are all keen to contribute to that.

  5. BTW, I nominate Cranmer for Title of the Month, if not the year, for his post about Tony's intervention:

    Brexit, pursued by a Blair

  6. Payment should only be made on the production of properly audited accounts. That should hold 'em.

  7. Lynne at Counting Cats1 November 2016 at 14:30

    I wouldn't give them the steam off Juncker's shite. Let's hope our Noddies in government think the same way.

  8. "...then the house of cards will tumble."

    Oh, how I long for that day!

    "Nick Clegg's pension. Let's just take a moment to think about how we are all keen to contribute to that."

    *grinds teeth*

    "BTW, I nominate Cranmer for Title of the Month, if not the year, for his post about Tony's intervention"

    Great spot!
