Monday 10 October 2016

Public Grief, Or Just Attention Seeking?

“I didn’t stop crying all day,” the 24-year-old, who lives in Dagenham, said. “It’s devastating, it felt like a bomb hit me and exploded. Getting her back was my only chance of comfort.”
Bluestar-Hill insisted on having control over the funeral at Adam & Greenwood Funeral Home in Billericay, Essex, forcing Chloe to say goodbye to her daughter while listening to gangster rap and barring her family from the ceremony.
Yes, this is the case reported on previously. And as WoaR pointed out in comments there, it was possible to halt this at any time.

Yet either no-one told her how, or they did but she refused to take action (other than whinging to the papers)...

At least there's a reference to the injunction which is the heart of the case, with this article referring to it as 'an injunction for her own protection'. Which doesn't really explain much at all...
Chloe says she’s disgusted that four years of fighting for her daughter’s ashes were thwarted by a technicality.
“He doesn’t care about her,” she said. “If he cared about her he wouldn’t have beat me up in front of her – he’s done this to spite me. This is him being evil again and trying to control me.”
Why do these people have to fight their personal battles in the newspapers?


  1. Well the phrase "You picked him and made a baby with him" springs to mind.

  2. The newspapers invite these people to fight their battles in the papers. Everyone loves it. Friends, neighbours, acquaintances and even Disgusted from Tunbridge get their kick on (continued on page 66).

  3. Lynne at Counting Cats11 October 2016 at 18:40

    Why? Because they are lowlife publicity seeking shitwits. No dirty washing is too shameful to air in public. It is lifeblood to them.

  4. "The newspapers invite these people to fight their battles in the papers. Everyone loves it. "

    I guess it's a product of the 24/7 news agenda - got to fill those column inches somehow...

    "It is lifeblood to them."

    Social media has not helped in this regard.
