Friday 14 October 2016

There's Definitely Something Wrong With The Justice System Though...

Sentencing him to 21 months in jail, Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC labelled Nadeem’s behaviour “appalling and disgraceful.”
He said: “This was very nasty violence, you set about four hospital staff with blows including karate chops and then you assaulted a patient.
“You wasted the time of doctors for your own peculiar and very selfish needs. You may have personality issues, but there is nothing really wrong with you.
“You have a very troubled past, but the trouble is very much of your own making.”
The assaults on police officers who turned uyp to arrest him go unmentioned, I note....
The court heard that medical and psychiatric reports had found no aspect of mental illness in the defendant, who had previously served an eight-year sentence for robbery and been re-called on licence three times.
What does it take to get this man off the streets permanently?


  1. So where is the motive for squandering the taxes which would keep him safely locked inside, for as long as he is no threat to the elite and commits no offence on their streets?

  2. If there was no mention of the assault on Police, it may be because of the highly educated, but morally cretinous, High Court judge who said that Police officers can expect to be assaulted on occasions if they choose to do that kind of work. This case proves once again that there is very little connection between the Law and Justice in this country.
    Sorry Melv, sod the extra taxes. This thug should have been put away for a good 5 years (that's a 10 year sentence as they get 50% off for good behaviour as soon as the prison van rolls through the gates).

  3. Crush, kill, destroy. The state, or him?

  4. What would keep him off the streets permanently? How about a contract killer? OOh - have I committed a hate crime?

  5. Even worse, see this one.

  6. PC Glock, PC SIG or the dynamic duo, PCs Smith & Wesson.

  7. " long as he is no threat to the elite and commits no offence on their streets?"

    This is a large part of the problem - simply pit, ASB doesn't affect the people tasked with eradicating it.

    "This case proves once again that there is very little connection between the Law and Justice in this country."

    Sadly true...

    "Crush, kill, destroy. The state, or him?"

    We can start with him, and work up...

    "Even worse, see this one."

    Jesus... :/

    "PC Glock, PC SIG or the dynamic duo, PCs Smith & Wesson."

    He's more likely to be shot by a civilian than a cop...
