Monday 28 November 2016

Wait, Whose 'Suffering' Matters Here..?

Officers were called just after 4.30pm on Saturday to High Street in Little Lever, Bolton, to reports that a dangerous dog was ‘out of control’. The pit bull-type dog had attacked two animals in front of their horrified owners and passers-by, some of who were injured as they tried desperately to intervene.
Officers first attempted to taser the dog, which had been caught and held down by two men, but that failed, so firearms specialists were called in to shoot it to ‘minimise its suffering’ and ‘protect the public’.
I think that might just be the wrong order, somehow...
Engineering technician Tom was left with a severe puncture wound to the hand, as well as cuts and bruises, after bravely taking on the out-of-control dog.
He also received an electric shock after being tasered through the creature.
Obviously don't watch 'Casualty' or they'd know to shout 'CLEAR!' first..
“I got up, I didn’t really have a clue what was happening because of the shock, but then I heard a gun shot, and another, and another.
“The dog was that big and aggressive it took three shots to kill it.”
Or they are crap shots. Think yourself lucky they waited until you were out of the way, this time!
A spokesman for GMP confirmed they were called to the scene just after 4.30pm, adding: “A 54-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of being the owner of a dog and allowing it to be dangerously out of control in public place and causing injury. He has been bailed until December.”
One to watch...


  1. Public servants have never been renown for their competency but I would say they were not so incompetent in the past as now. The reason of course is due to the rise to dominance of progressive dogma. Where political correctness limits how we think and act because running foul of PC rules can criminalise any act or liberal thought that under normal circumstances would be deemed to be rational, sensible and expedient.

    Public servants who are not very good at addressing problems efficiently anyway now have the added stress of having to add in PC to their thinking. So it is now no wonder that the incidence of ineptness and bungling have increased to the levels they have. Evidence of which is reported daily by the media and bloggers as they tell us about how dysfunctional our public bodies have become where harm even death is visited on the general public by these bodies because of their complete lack of care, accountability and incompetent practices.

  2. 'Obviously don't watch 'Casualty' or they'd know to shout 'CLEAR!' first..' What can go wrong during armed plod action, usually does, and Engineering technician 'Tom' was fortunate to emerge from a live shoot, with all limbs still attached to his torso. Rendering assistance to police is something the smart citizen does only once and it is worth bearing in mind that there is no safe position for anyone in the seconds following Mr Plod pulling a gun of any description and mentally locking into discharge mode.

  3. Where the Police went wrong was merely arresting the dog owner, rather than shootng him (it's usually a 'him') immediately after the dog. Only 99,999 more votes required for MPs to discuss invoking Clarkson 's Law.

  4. "...their complete lack of care, accountability and incompetent practices. "

    Yet the police are said to live in fear of the PSD..?

    "Rendering assistance to police is something the smart citizen does only once..."

    Tom was rendering assistance to a fellow citizen. He clearly thought the 'experts' would know how to handle things.

    "Where the Police went wrong was merely arresting the dog owner, rather than shootng him (it's usually a 'him') immediately after the dog."

