Friday 11 November 2016

Which Came First, The Anti-Social Chicken Or The Brain-Damaged Egg..?

Dr Tim Worthley, who looks after Brighton's homeless community, said the pressure on housing in Brighton often meant that people who were vulnerable but also displayed anti-social behaviour ended up in risky environments.
He said the injury made it "impossible for him [Mr Packham] to manage in an unsupported environment," adding "Lots of care professionals were raising concerns".
But were any of them doing anything? Certainly, the family weren't...
Ex-partner Nicola Hensby, 33, told The Argus: "They failed him. They should never have let him leave the hospital. It is heartbreaking; only last night my daughter was saying, when is dad coming home?"
It's a bit rich to expect the State to care when you don't, isn't it?
In August, barman Dwayne Backer, 25, of Sydney Road, Feltham, Middlesex, was acquitted at trial over the injury to Mr Packham in Bartholomew Square last year, after claiming self-defence.
Comments are largely unsympathetic, which rather makes you wonder if this was a case where he was mad and bad...


  1. Such cases are quite common and you probably never notice these urban problems until they appear in the tabloids, Julie.

  2. A risky environment is usually one in which somebody is displaying anti social behaviour. Some people carry trouble with them, learn to recognise them so as to avoid them.

  3. "Such cases are quite common..."

    I suspect you're right.

    "Some people carry trouble with them, learn to recognise them so as to avoid them."

    Don't we pay taxes for places for them to go so we don't need to avoid them?
