Sunday 20 November 2016

Would The Answer Be 'Because The US Elected Trump!' Perchance..?

I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the progressives currently losing their minds believed it!


  1. Nah. Brexit.
    Either that or Global Warming.
    I wonder which head controls the tail and the direction of travel.
    One head could be doing all the mundane work and the other head could be thinking of higher things.
    It's a metaphore of our times.

  2. Indeed, our government has had many heads for some time now. Usually you only see one at a time, the rather more discreet head is rarely seen. This two headed shark could be a portent of the future, will we be seeing more of the hitherto hidden head? Will it be a shark, with rapacious teeth to render the last penny from your pocket? Or is it something even more sinister? I can't wait for Trump to get into office and begin draining the Washington swamp. There is pond life this side of the pond who will be quaking in their flippers.

  3. ""

    "I wonder which head controls the tail and the direction of travel."

    Two-headed snakes seem to live quite happily. No reason sharks can't, either. Both somewhat primitive organisms.

    "I can't wait for Trump to get into office and begin draining the Washington swamp."

    I think 'draining' might be a stretch. He could lover the waterline, at least...
